• What is the weight of ValleyBall ball?
    1. 8  to 9 ounce
    2. 9 to 10 ounce
    3. 10 to 11 ounce
    4. 11 to 12 ounce

  • When was Judo introduced in Olympic game?
    1. 1960
    2. 1964
    3. 1968
    4. 1972

  • What is distance between hurdles In 100m women hurdles competition?
    1. 6.5m
    2. 7m
    3. 8.5m
    4. 10m

  • How many umpires are in Base Ball game?
    1. Two
    2. Three
    3. Four
    4. Five

  • What is the duration of circle kabadi match?
    1. 30min
    2. 40min
    3. 45min
    4. 50min

  • The World Government Summit (WGS) is a non-profit organization that holds an annual event in ________.
    1. Washington DC
    2. Karachi
    3. Qatar

  • With which country is “Orange’ Revolution” associated?
    1. Ukraine
    2. Poland
    3. Malta
    4. France

  • Total literacy rate of Pakistan is:
    1. 60%
    2. 50%
    3. 59%
    4. 80%

  • The Munich Security Conference is an annual conference on international security policy that has taken place in Munich, Bavaria since?
    1. 1953
    2. 1963
    3. 1973
    4. 1983

  • Madrid is the capital of which country?
    1. Australia
    2. Bangladesh
    3. Spain
    4. None of these

  • Which one is the World top ranked university?
    1. Oxford
    2. Cambridge
    3. Stanford
    4. None of these

  • Dr. Linus Carl Pauling is the only person to have won two Nobel prizes individually for ________?
    1. Peace Prize in 1954, Chemistry in 1962
    2. Medicine in 1954, Physics in 1962
    3. Chemistry in 1954, Peace Prize in 1962
    4. Physics in 1954, Medicine in 1962

  • Who was the first Indian Chief of Army Staff of the Indian Army ?
    1. Gen. K.M. Cariappa
    2. Gen. Maharaja Rajendra Singhji
    3. Vice-Admiral R.D. Katari
    4. None of these

  • Germany signed the Armistice Treaty on ________ and World War I ended?
    1. September 1918
    2. October 1918
    3. November 1918
    4. December 1918

  • Hermann Scheer received right Livelihood Award in 1999 for ________?
    1. his long standing efforts to end the impunity of dictators
    2. indefatigable work for the promotion of solar energy worldwide
    3. Showing that organic agriculture is a key to environmental sustainability
    4. None of the above

  • Which was the first country to avail loan from the World bank?
    1. Italy
    2. France
    3. Germany
    4. Japan

  • For the Olympics and World Tournaments, the dimensions of basketball court are _________?
    1. 27 m x 16 m
    2. 28 m x 15 m
    3. 26 m x 14 m
    4. 28 m x 16 m

  • ";Guernica";, world';s famous painting was painted by Pablo Picasso in _______?
    1. 1937
    2. 1938
    3. 1939
    4. 1940

  • How many total Number of Member countries in UNHCR?
    1. 110
    2. 115
    3. 138
    4. 125

  • Total members of G-15 countries?
    1. 16
    2. 17
    3. 18
    4. 15

  • When was UNICEF declared as the permanent agency of UN?
    1. 1947
    2. 1951
    3. 1953
    4. 1959

  • What is the moto of ILO?
    1. If you desire peace,cultivate justice
    2. let there be bread
    3. Peace, Employment, Justice
    4. Eradication of poverty, and sustainable development

  • Who was first Deputy Secretary General of UN?
    1. Amina J. Mohammed
    2. Louise Fréchette
    3. Mark Malloch Brown
    4. Asha-Rose Migiro

  • When was the post of Deputy Secretary General of UN created?
    1. 1949
    2. 1989
    3. 1997
    4. 2000

  • Iberian Peninsula is a part of _________?
    1. Asia
    2. Europe
    3. None of these