• The last play of Shakespeare is ________?
    1. 12th Night
    2. The tempest
    3. As you like it
    4. None of these

  • First Afghan-Anglo War was fought in?
    1. 1819
    2. 1829
    3. 1839
    4. None of these

  • Freedom day of China is _________?
    1. October 01/1949
    2. October 02/1950
    3. October 01/1951
    4. October 03/1950

  • Tarikh e Farishta is written by?
    1. Muhammad Nadeem Farishta
    2. Muhammad Wasim Farishta
    3. Muhammad Qasim Farishta
    4. None of these

  • The SpeKtr telescope was launched into orbit in 2011 to study what?
    1. Black Holes
    2. Neutron Stars
    3. Earth Magnetic Field
    4. All of the above

  • The day of independence of Afghanistan is _____________?
    1. 19th August
    2. 29th August
    3. 9th August
    4. None of these

  • APNS Stands for What?
    1. All Pakistan Newspaper Society
    2. All Persian Newspaper Society
    3. All Pakistan Society for Newspapers
    4. None of the Above

  • Which European Country does not have head of State?
    1. Vatican
    2. Nauru
    3. Switzerland
    4. None of these

  • Who is the author of ";The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam";?
    1. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
    2. Allama Iqbal
    3. Karen Armstrong
    4. None of these

  • SpeKtr R is a ______ ?
    1. Telescope
    2. Space shuttle
    3. Space Telescope
    4. All of the Above

  • ";Super Blood Wolf Moon";, a total lunar eclipse occurred on:
    1. Sunday, 20 January 2019
    2. Saturday, 19  May 2019
    3. Friday, 18 January 2019
    4. None of these

  • What was the first country to recognize the US as independent?
    1. Morocco
    2. Israel
    3. Germany
    4. None of these

  • Roman Numeral for 3000 is _______?
    1. LLL
    2. DCM
    3. MMM
    4. None of these

  • Smallest state of India is __________?
    1. Utter pardesh
    2. Gujrat
    3. Sikkim
    4. None of these

  • City of Bazars is __________?
    1. Mumbai
    2. Cairo
    3. Paris
    4. Karachi

  • The owner of Amazon company is _________?
    1. Steve Jobs
    2. Jeff Bezos
    3. Bill Gates
    4. James Willey

  • What is the total length of World’s longest Hong Kong-Zhuhai bridge?
    1. 75km
    2. 65km
    3. 55km
    4. None of these

  • Playground of Europe?
    1. England
    2. France
    3. Switzerland
    4. None of these

  • A ";super"; moon (eclipse) occurs when the moon is especially close to:
    1. Sun
    2. Earth
    3. Jupiter
    4. None of these

  • Name the first Pakistani bank which started its operation on August 17 1947:
    1. Muslim Commercial Bank
    2. Habib Bank Ltd:
    3. United Bank Ltd:
    4. Allied Bank Ltd:

  • The Famous Shrine of Baba Farid Ud Deen Is located in which City?
    1. Lahore
    2. Multan
    3. Pakpattan
    4. Taunsa Shareef

  • The Pakistan Super League 2019 edition took place on:
    1. Feb 8th 2019 to March 17 2019
    2. Feb 6th 2019 to March 21 2019
    3. Feb 15th 2019 to March 23rd 2019
    4. Feb 14th 2019 to March 17 2019

  • What is the Capital of Dominica?
    1. Tirana
    2. Algiers
    3. Andorra la Vella
    4. Roseau

  • Who is the President of United Nations General Assembly for 73rd session?
    1. Miguel d'; Escoto
    2. Mirvoslav la jack
    3. Maria Fernanda Espinosa
    4. Neelam Pari

  • What was the old name of Sri-Lanka?
    1. Yandap
    2. Ceylon
    3. Karta
    4. None of these