• What is the capital of Sweden?
    1. Stockholm
    2. Malmö
    3. Uppsala
    4. Gävle

  • In which year was Alaska sold to the US?
    1. 1865
    2. 1866
    3. 1867
    4. 1868

  • How many peaks in the words with heights more than 8000 meter?
    1. 14
    2. 16
    3. 18
    4. 19

  • Snap Chat was launched in ____________?
    1. 2006
    2. 2007
    3. 2011
    4. 2012

  • ECO is stand for?
    1. Energy Cooperation Organization.
    2. Economic Cooperation Organization.
    3. Ecological Cooperation Organization.
    4. Equality Cooperation Organization.

  • Where was the first library of the world?
    1. SYRIA
    2. MOROCCO
    3. USA
    4. EGYPT

  • One yard is equal to how many inches?
    1. 35 inches
    2. 30 inches
    3. 32 inches
    4. 36 inches

  • How many millions are there in Billion?
    1. 100 million
    2. 1,000 million
    3. 10 million
    4. None of these

  • Which currency is ranked second among the most expensive currencies in the world?
    1. Omani riyal
    2. Kuwaiti Dinar
    3. Bahraini Dinar
    4. US Dollar

  • Hawaii is the state of?
    1. Japan
    2. China
    3. USA
    4. korea

  • The most industrial countries in Asia is
    1. China
    2. Thailand
    3. South korea
    4. Malaysia

  • Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah';s father name was ________ ?
    1. Jahangir Jinnah
    2. Shoukat Ali
    3. Poona Jinnah
    4. Iqbal Jinnah

  • When was INF treaty signed between Russia and America?
    1. 1991
    2. 2000
    3. 1987
    4. None of these

  • INF treaty was signed between?
    1. Russia and America
    2. Iran and USA
    3. USA and Saudi Arabia
    4. None of these

  • What is the name of new capital of Burundi?
    1. Bujumbura
    2. Makamba
    3. Gitega
    4. None of these

  • Nippon is stock exchange market of ?
    1. Germany
    2. Tokyo
    3. Pakistan
    4. USA

  • What is widows tears?
    1. A movie
    2. Plant
    3. None of these

  • The Crimean War in 1854–1856 was fought between?
    1. Russia and Turkey
    2. USA and England
    3. Russia and Japan
    4. England and France

  • Indonesia was a colony of which of the following countries?
    1. Dutch
    2. Spain
    3. Portugal
    4. Belgium

  • Who was the chairperson of the Chinese Communist Party at the time of liberation of China?
    1. Zhou Enlai
    2. Deng Xiaoping
    3. Mao Zedong
    4. Liu Shaoqi

  • The Wailing wall is situated in?
    1. Berlin
    2. Beijing
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Tel Aviv

  • Zend-Avesta is the sacred book of the?
    1. Parsees
    2. Jains
    3. Jew
    4. Buddhists

  • East Timor, in Indonesian Archipelago, was the former colony of?
    1. Dutch
    2. English
    3. French
    4. Portuguese

  • Independence movement of Vietnam was headed by?
    1. Ngo Dinh Diem
    2. Zhou Enlai
    3. Pol Pot
    4. Ho Chi Minh

  • Dean Barrow is the prime minister of which one of the following countries?
    1. Benin
    2. Bolivia
    3. Belize
    4. Bhutan