• The Queen who had the nick name ";Bloody Mary"; is ?
    1. Elizabeth I
    2. Victoria I
    3. Mary I
    4. None of these

  • Amir Khusrow was the disciple of whom ?
    1. Khuwaja Gulam Farid
    2. Nizam Uddin Aulia
    3. Khuwaja Moen Uddin
    4. None of these

  • Pablo Picasso the famous artist belong to which country ?
    1. Brazil
    2. France
    3. Spain
    4. None of these

  • Who is known as the father of Pentium Chip ?
    1. Vinod Khanna
    2. Vinod Dham
    3. Sundar Pichai
    4. None of these

  • Who among following is considered to be the father of ";Green Revolution"; ?
    1. Mammohan Singh
    2. Norman Borlaug
    3. Abdul Salam
    4. Henry Ford

  • Who is known as the Father of video games ?
    1. Karl Bens
    2. Ralph H. Bear
    3. Karoline Berliner
    4. Andrew Smith Bernard

  • All of the following are Amir Khusro,s creation except ?
    1. Ahsika
    2. Tutinama
    3. Laila Majnu
    4. Nuh Sipir

  • Who is called the Frontier Gandhi ?
    1. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
    2. Zulfiqar Bhutto
    3. Manmohan Singh
    4. Muhammad Ali Jinnah

  • Nepal';s first woman President was__________ ?
    1. Vidya Devi Bhandari
    2. Aishwarya Laxmi
    3. Rita Sharma
    4. Komal Bhandari

  • Which of the following architect designed Indian Capital ";New Delhi ";?
    1. Sir Edward Paul
    2. Sir Edwin Lutyen
    3. Sir Thomas Angel
    4. Sir Richardson

  • Who is credited for building the Great Wall of China ?
    1. Fa Hien
    2. Yubang Tou
    3. Hiung Tsang
    4. Qin Shi Huang
    5. as a means of preventing incursions from barbarian nomads.

  • Who among the following is the author of Sri Lanka';s national anthem ?
    1. Srijavo Bandarnaike
    2. Matilda Pakshah
    3. Ananda Samarkone
    4. Gotabaya Rajapaksha

  • Name the first civilian president of Myanmar ?
    1. Myint Sewie
    2. Thein Sein
    3. Huang Hye
    4. Htin Kway

  • Construction of the Burj Khalifa began in____________?
    1. 2004
    2. 2005
    3. 2006
    4. None of these

  • Which country is the member of NATO?
    1. Austria
    2. Switzerland
    3. Finland
    4. Hungary

  • Which country is not the member of NATO?
    1. Estonia
    2. Netherlands
    3. Norway
    4. Finland

  • The Five Eyes (FVEY) is ______ alliance?
    1. Economic
    2. Political
    3. Military
    4. Intelligence

  • Australian, UK, USA, Canada and _______ are the members of Five Eyes Group of Countries?
    1. Mexico
    2. Brazil
    3. Japan
    4. New Zealand

  • Which country is the member of Five Eyes group of countries?
    1. Australia
    2. India
    3. China
    4. Russia

  • The Arabian Sea is also called as__________?
    1. Sindhu Sagar
    2. Arab Samundra
    3. Erythraean Sea
    4. Akhzar Sea
    5. All of them

  • ‘Aksai Chin’ is a disputed area between _______ and _______?
    1. China and India
    2. China and Pakistan
    3. India and Pakistan
    4. India and Nepal

  • The International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) was established in which year?
    1. 1950
    2. 1945
    3. 1968
    4. 1975

  • There are __________ Sustainable development Goals of United Nations?
    1. 15
    2. 17
    3. 12
    4. 13

  • Al Ghazzali was born in the year _______ ?
    1. 1058
    2. 1059
    3. 1060
    4. 1061

  • Which was the first country to legalise euthasia (physician-assisted suicide) ?
    1. Netherlands
    2. Germany
    3. Switzerland
    4. Brazil