• Aegean Sea is located in between these two peninsulas?
    1. Arabian Peninsula & Iberian Peninsula
    2. Iberian Peninsula & Balkan Peninsula
    3. Balkan Peninsula & Anatolia Peninsula
    4. Anatolia Peninsula & Iberian Peninsula

  • ";shock and awe"; was the name of USA';s war against _____ in 2003
    1. Iraq
    2. Afghanistan
    3. Vietnam
    4. None of these

  • Strait connecting the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov is___________?
    1. Palk Strait
    2. Cook strait
    3. Bosphorous strait
    4. Kerch strait

  • During which battle were tanks first employed?
    1. Battle of Trafalgar
    2. Battle of the Somme
    3. Battle of Waterloo
    4. None of these

  • Which country built a stadium called "; Birds Nest Stadium "; for Olympics 2008 ?
    1. China
    2. UK
    3. India
    4. USA

  • Mount Semeru, an active volcano, located in__________ ?
    1. Australia
    2. Indonesia
    3. Philippines
    4. Denmark

  • Which European city is called as the European Jerusalem ?
    1. Madrid
    2. Rome
    3. Sarajevo
    4. Granada

  • The world heritage site Pashupatinath temple is located at__________ ?
    1. Multan
    2. Delhi
    3. Khatmandu
    4. Kabul

  • What was the old name of Singapore?
    1. Ceylon
    2. Temasek
    3. Nippon
    4. Bohemia

  • ';QUAD'; is a group of four countries: India, United States, Japan and ?
    1. Russia
    2. Australia
    3. China
    4. New-Zealand

  • Who is the first democratically elected female President of Africa ?
    1. Kristine Chapel
    2. Opera Winfrey
    3. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
    4. Katie Kristie Sirleaf

  • The first democratically elected female President of Africa is from which country ?
    1. Tanzania
    2. Uganda
    3. Liberia
    4. Djoboty

  • ‘World Sustainable Development Summit’ is organized by which institution ?
    1. Green Peace
    2. World Economic Forum
    3. The Energy & Resource Centre
    4. United Nation Development Programme

  • Which country allowed women into three sports stadium for the first time from 2018?
    1. Iran
    2. Egypt
    3. Bolivia
    4. Saudi Arabia

  • Where is the headquarters of Caribbean Community (CARICOM) ?
    1. West-Indies
    2. Guyana
    3. Namibia
    4. Ethopia

  • Which country is not the member of QUAD Countries Group?
    1. India
    2. USA
    3. JAPAN
    4. UK

  • Which city is believed to be the oldest inhabited city of Europe?
    1. Athens, Greece
    2. Saint Petersburg, Russia
    3. Plovdiv, Bulgaria
    4. Sibiu, Romania

  • Vlad the Impaler popularly known as Dracula, was the ruler of which country?
    1. Serbia
    2. Romania
    3. Argentina
    4. Austria

  • Which country was the first to be declared an atheist state?
    1. Greece
    2. Albania
    3. Croatia
    4. Portugal

  • Which Country has built the world';s Longest Cantilever?
    1. Singapore
    2. United Kingdom
    3. Dubai
    4. Canada

  • Teotihuacan Pyramids is located in which country ?
    1. Egypt
    2. Argentina
    3. Mexico
    4. Peru

  • The State Hermitage Museum is located in which country ?
    1. Spain
    2. France
    3. China
    4. Russia

  • Borobudur Temple is located in which country ?
    1. Egypt
    2. Indonesia
    3. Afghanistan
    4. United Arab Emirate

  • In which country the world';s tallest sandcastle has been built ?
    1. Germany
    2. Saudi Arabia
    3. Afghanistan
    4. United Arab Emirate

  • Who was the architect of ";Taj Mahal"; ?
    1. Ustad Allah Baksh
    2. Ustad Ahmad Lahouri
    3. Norman Volvak
    4. Henry Irwin