• Palm Jumeirah break the Guinness World Record for the largest fountain located in_________?
    1. Dubai, UAE
    2. Abu Dhabi, UAE
    3. Barcelona, Spain
    4. None of these

  • Israel-UAE ties diplomatic relation according to the accord?
    1. Ibraham accord
    2. David camp accord
    3. Peace friendship accord
    4. None of these

  • Nawaz Sharif park, which was renamed as Allama Iqbal Park is located in__________?
    1. Karachi
    2. Lahore
    3. Rawalpindi
    4. Islamabad

  • The world';s first Photograph was taken in __________ ?
    1. 1826
    2. 1829
    3. 1835
    4. 1935

  • The first person to draw the map of earth?
    1. Heraclitus
    2. phythagoras
    3. Anaximander
    4. Thales

  • Who laid first step on the Moon?
    1. LMP Edgar
    2. CMP Stuart
    3. Neil Armstrong
    4. None of them

  • Bastille day is celeberated in France every year on____________?
    1. 14 may
    2. 14 June
    3. 14 July
    4. 16 July

  • What is the name of Chinese parliament?
    1. National Assembly
    2. National people';s Congress
    3. Fedral parliament
    4. All Of Above

  • Ogaden desert is present in__________?
    1. Europe
    2. Asia
    3. Africa
    4. America

  • Wadi Rum” which resemblance to the surface of Mars is located in__________?
    1. Argentina
    2. Israel
    3. Jordan
    4. Egypt

  • “Nagorno-Karabakh” is a disputed region between?
    1. Armenia and Turkey
    2. Armenia and Azerbaijan
    3. Azerbaijan and Turkey
    4. Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan

  • Borneo Island is in which Ocean?
    1. Indian Ocean
    2. Pacific Ocean
    3. Arctic Ocean
    4. Atlantic

  • Which of the following is not tribal community of Africa?
    1. Zulu
    2. Maasai
    3. San Bushmen
    4. Lepcha

  • Which is the highest mountain of Africa?
    1. Mt. Kilimanjaro
    2. Mt. Kenya
    3. Rocky Mountain
    4. Colorado Mountain

  • What is kimberly in Africa famous for?
    1. Monument
    2. Museum
    3. National Park
    4. Diamond

  • Who said ";Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.";?
    1. Pablo Picasso
    2. Georges Braque
    3. Peter Drucker
    4. None of these

  • What country is the largest producer of corn?
    1. China
    2. US
    3. Brazil
    4. Nicaragua

  • Which card is used in BRT Peshawar?
    1. Metro Card
    2. Bus Card
    3. BRT Card
    4. ZU Card

  • The United Nations established the UN conference on trade and development in________?
    1. 1963.
    2. 1964
    3. 1971
    4. 1970

  • Where is Tiananmen Square located?
    1. Pakistan Islamabad
    2. Turkey ankara
    3. China Beijing

  • The famous Ashokan inscriptions, carved on rocks were founded in____________?
    1. Mansoora
    2. Hangu
    3. Skrdu
    4. Shahbaz Garhi, Mardan

  • When Utility Stores Corporation of Pakistan (Pvt.) Limited established?
    1. 1971
    2. 1972
    3. 1973
    4. 1974

  • Vande Mataram written by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee is in the_________ Novel?
    1. Sitayana
    2. Sama Veda
    3. Anandamath
    4. Ramayana

  • Arfa Software technology park is located in_________?
    1. Lahore
    2. Rawalpindi
    3. Karachi
    4. Multan

  • Wars of Crusade started in___________?
    1. 1090
    2. 1105
    3. 1195
    4. 1095