• Which two countries are involved in the implementation of the Kohala Hydroelectric Power project?
    1. India and China
    2. India and Pakistan
    3. Pakistan and China
    4. India and Bangladesh

  • Which is smallest district of Pakistan by area?
    1. Multan
    2. Karachi Central
    3. Rahim yar Khan
    4. None of these

  • Three-century-old heritage site (mosque) KHUDABAD is present in which city of Sindh?
    1. Dadu
    2. Karachi
    3. Khairpur
    4. Umarkot

  • Turkish parliament is also called___________?
    1. National Assembly
    2. Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi
    3. Grand National Assembly
    4. Both B and C

  • When Alexander invade the India?
    1. 552 BC
    2. 326 BC
    3. 44 BC
    4. None of these

  • When 7.7 Magnitude of Earthquake occurred in Awaran, district of Balochistan?
    1. 2012
    2. 2013
    3. 2014
    4. None of these2015

  • Name the Indian Prime minister, who was awarded Nisan-e- Pakistan?
    1. Lal Bahadur Shashtri
    2. Sonia Gandhi
    3. Morarji Ranchhodji Desai
    4. Narendra Modi

  • Gulf cooperation council was originally formed by____________?
    1. Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates
    2. Second World Nations
    3. Third World Nations
    4. Fourth World Nations

  • How many Countries are members of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)?
    1. 4
    2. 6
    3. 8
    4. None of these

  • Name The Mughal Empire Who Died in 1556 after falling from stairs?
    1. Shah Jahan
    2. Humayun
    3. Jalal-ud-Din Akbar
    4. None of these

  • The total length of India-Pakistan border is __________ kilometres?
    1. 2100
    2. 2400
    3. 2600
    4. None of these

  • FIH (International Hockey Federation) was founded in which year ?
    1. 1922
    2. 1920
    3. 1921
    4. 1924

  • ";Titan"; is satellite of___________?
    1. Saturn
    2. Venus
    3. Jupiter
    4. Neptune

  • World Braille Day celebrated on__________?
    1. January 2nd
    2. January 3rd
    3. January 4th
    4. None of these

  • 38th Parallel line is the boundary line between____________?
    1. USA -; Canada
    2. Iraq -; Iran
    3. China -; Japan
    4. North Korea -; South Korea

  • How many Caribbean countries are there?
    1. 25
    2. 26
    3. 27
    4. 28

  • Which of the following country host most refugees?
    1. Pakistan
    2. Turkey
    3. Jordan
    4. Lebanon

  • Which of the following is Tricontinental Country?
    1. chad
    2. Chile
    3. Mali
    4. Swaziland

  • Office of strategic service (OSS) was the old name of which Intelligence agency?
    1. MI6
    2. CIA
    3. ISI
    4. N.O.T

  • When Government College Lahore got the status of university
    1. 2002
    2. 2004
    3. 2006
    4. 2008

  • CHENNAI is the new Name of__________?
    1. MADRAS
    2. AGRA
    3. ALA ABAD

  • How many states does Malaysia have?
    1. 12
    2. 13
    3. 14
    4. 17

  • In which year Smart Card (Smart National Identity Card) Issued in Pakistan?
    1. 2010
    2. 2011
    3. 2012
    4. 2014

  • Which of following is unitary State?
    1. Pakistan
    2. China
    3. India
    4. Both B and C

  • Famous fast food restaurant company ";Burger King"; belongs to which Country?
    1. America
    2. England
    3. Turkey
    4. None of these