• ";Plague"; is a disease which spreads by ______ ?
    1. Rat
    2. Cat
    3. Bat
    4. parasitic insect

  • Name the highest Battlefield in the world?
    1. Jafana
    2. Tibet
    3. The Siachen Glacier
    4. None of these

  • In which state of Maynmar Rohingya Muslims were killed by Buddhists ?
    1. Kayin state
    2. Rakhine state
    3. Chin state
    4. None of These

  • Cyril Radcliff was a ________ by profession?
    1. Doctor
    2. Engineer
    3. Writer
    4. Lawyer

  • Which civilization is considered to be the oldest civilization of the world?
    1. Phrygia civilization
    2. Sumerian civilization
    3. Elam civilization
    4. Urartu civilization

  • Largest producer of onions is _____________?
    1. Russia
    2. USA
    3. China
    4. India

  • Ms. Kim Campbell was the first woman prime minister of___________?
    1. France
    2. Germany
    3. Canada
    4. None of these

  • The novel "; Sowrd of Tipu Sultan "; was written by __________?
    1. K.M Munshi
    2. Leo Tolstoy
    3. Bhagwan S. Gidwani
    4. None of these

  • who is the author of "; Nineteen Eighty-four "; ?
    1. Shakespeare
    2. George Orwell
    3. R.k laxman
    4. None of these

  • First Agriculture University of Pakistan is_________?
    1. University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
    2. University of Agriculture, Peshawar
    3. University of Agriculture, Multan
    4. None of these

  • CIA intelligence agency of USA was established in___________?
    1. 1943
    2. 1944
    3. 1945
    4. 1947

  • The First Android Mobile Launched in Which year?
    1. September 2007
    2. September 2008
    3. September 2009
    4. September 2010

  • The highest navigable lake in the world is:__________?
    1. Lake Victoria
    2. Titicaca Lake
    3. Haleji Lake
    4. None of these

  • What is the Name of Google’s Parent Company?
    1. Alphabet Inc
    2. Amazon
    3. The Priceline Group
    4. None of these

  • Where did the 1896 Olympics take place?
    1. Germany
    2. France
    3. Athens (Greece Capital)
    4. None Of These

  • John Logie Baird is known for his invention of_________?
    1. Mobile Phone
    2. Laptop
    3. Television
    4. Radio

  • The Paris agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is to limit global warming well below:
    1. 1.5 °C
    2. 2.0 °C
    3. 2.5 °C
    4. None of these

  • Which mountain is called  ";Chogori"; and ";Savage Mountain";?
    1. Mount Everest
    2. Nanga Parbat
    3. K2
    4. Trichmir

  • In 2019, in which country there was a widespread protest against an Extradition Amendment Bill?
    1. Venezuela
    2. Sri Lanka
    3. Hong Kong
    4. Taiwan

  • The recent leap year, where February has/had 29 days, is/was:__________?
    1. 2017
    2. 2018
    3. 2019
    4. 2020

  • Currently, about how much world’s goods trade (by volume) is carried on ships?
    1. 20%
    2. 60%
    3. 80%
    4. None of these

  • Sam Walton was the founder of_________?
    1. Uber
    2. WeChat
    3. Walmart
    4. None of these

  • Which is the solidarity day with Palestinians?
    1. 29th November
    2. 27 November
    3. 25 November
    4. None of these

  • ___________is known as Baba-e-Ghazal of Pashto?
    1. Rahman Baba
    2. khushal Khan khattak
    3. HAMZA Baba
    4. Israr Atal

  • Hail storm occurs in summer season due to the formation of clouds called :___________?
    1. Cirrus
    2. Cumulus
    3. Cumulonimbus
    4. Curriculum