• Scientific study of the Algae is known as ___________?
    1. Phycology
    2. Pomology
    3. Oneriology
    4. Trichology

  • The Scientific Study of Caves are know as _________ ?
    1. Haematology
    2. Speleology
    3. Oology
    4. Oneriology

  • Disappointment island is in which Ocean?
    1. Pacific Ocean
    2. Arctic Ocean
    3. Indian Ocean
    4. Atlantic Icean

  • where is disappointment island located?
    1. Switzerland
    2. Indonesia
    3. New Zealand
    4. None of Above

  • The scientific study of spiders is called __________ ?
    1. Arachnology
    2. Osteology
    3. Pomology
    4. None of these

  • Scientific study of brain is know as ___________ ?
    1. Encephalology
    2. Geology
    3. Philosophy
    4. None of these

  • Scientific study of Eyes is known as ____________ ?
    1. Encephology
    2. Trichology
    3. Opthalmology
    4. None of these

  • Planned Completion year of One Belt One Road ( OBOR ) is ____________?
    1. 2025
    2. 2030
    3. 2040
    4. 2049

  • which is the capital of Chechnya?
    1. Yerevan
    2. Kingston
    3. Grozny

  • FATF was established by G-7 summit held in ________ on 1989?
    1. London
    2. Brussels
    3. Paris
    4. Washington

  • When is the commonwealth day observed by its member countries ?
    1. March, 24
    2. April, 26
    3. May, 24
    4. None of these

  • Which organs of the United Nations elects judges of the International court of Justice ?
    1. General Assembly alone
    2. Economic & Social council
    3. Security Council & General Assembly
    4. Trusteship Council and General Assembly

  • How many member countries did the UNO had on its formation in 1945 ?
    1. 45
    2. 47
    3. 49
    4. 51

  • Bread for the poverty and hunger in the world, is based in ?
    1. Geneva
    2. Moscow
    3. Beijing
    4. Washington
    5. based nonprofit organization, is urging government leaders and communities of faith to end hunger. Every day, around 16,000 children die from hunger related causes.

  • The headquarter of World Anti-Doping Agency formed in 1999 is located at ?
    1. Geneva
    2. Washington
    3. Montreal
    4. Brussels

  • P-5 is a group of which organization ?
    1. Permanent members of WTO
    2. Permanent member of UN security council
    3. Pemnanent members of UNESCO
    4. None of the above

  • When was Bank of Central African State headquartered in Cameron was formed ?
    1. 1971
    2. 1972
    3. 1973
    4. 1974

  • Headquarters of the UN industrial Development Organization is based in__________?
    1. Vienna
    2. Geneva
    3. Paris
    4. Bern

  • Where is the headquaters of African Development Bank located ?
    1. Addis Abada, Ethopia
    2. Winhoek, Namibia
    3. Abidjan, Ivory Coast
    4. Nairobai, Kenya

  • Charter of Economic rights was adopted by United Nations in the year ?
    1. 1974
    2. 1969
    3. 1973
    4. 1968

  • Which European Country provide its currency for Bank of Central African states ?
    1. USA
    2. UK
    3. Germany
    4. France

  • The International criminal Police Organisation has its headquaters at ?
    1. Rome
    2. Paris
    3. Lyon
    4. Geneva

  • International Bureau of Education is a part of which organization ?
    1. UNESCO
    2. UNCTAD
    3. UNDP
    4. World Bank

  • The headquarter of World Meterological Organisation is based in which country?
    1. Washington, USA
    2. Geneva, Switwerland
    3. Berlin, Germany
    4. Delhi, India

  • When was World Meterological Organisation estabilished?
    1. 1945
    2. 1918
    3. 1950
    4. 1991