• Which of the following country is NOT a member of the ‘Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA)?
    1. India
    2. Pakistan
    3. Sri-Lanka
    4. Mozambique

  • World Investment Report is published by which organizations?
    1. UNDP
    2. UNESCO
    3. UNCTAD
    4. WIPO

  • The United Nations Green Climate Fund is Headquartered in which country?
    1. USA
    2. Canada
    3. Republic of Korea
    4. None of these

  • ";Global Competitiveness Report"; is released by which of the following organization?
    1. World Economic Forum (WEF)
    2. World Trade Organization (WTO)
    3. SAARC
    4. None of these

  • International Organization for Migration Headquarters is located in which city?
    1. Paris
    2. Rome
    3. Geneva
    4. Jakarta

  • Where is the headquarters of the World Customs Organization (WCO) located?
    1. Paris
    2. Lyon
    3. Brussels
    4. Geneva

  • which bird does not make its nest?
    1. Crow
    2. Eagle
    3. Sparrow
    4. Cuckoo

  • South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty was signed by the United States of America,  United Kingdom and_________ ?
    1. Soviet Union
    2. China
    3. France
    4. Germany

  • which country Set world record by planting 541,176 saplings in a single day which has been duly recorded in the Guinness Book of world record in 2009?
    1. China
    2. Canada
    3. Pakistan
    4. United States of America

  • Who was the first Chairman of the SAARC ?
    1. Indira Gandhi
    2. Zia ur Rehman
    3. Hussain Muhammad Ershad
    4. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

  • Which River is called ';The Sorrow of the Bengal'; ?
    1. Ratna river
    2. Soan River
    3. Damodar River
    4. Huran River

  • Name the first Mughal building with complete marble facing ?
    1. Humayun,s Tomb
    2. Taj Mahal
    3. Moti Masjid
    4. Lal Qila

  • ';Global 500'; awards are given for the outstanding achievement in which of the following field ?
    1. Population control
    2. Protection of environment
    3. Elimination of corruption
    4. Drug free society

  • Wellington Trophy is related to which game ?
    1. Hockey
    2. Tennis
    3. Rowing
    4. Swimming

  • Which Mughal King ordered to translate famous Hindu books ";Ramyana and Mahabharta"; in Persian language ?
    1. Jalal uddin Akbar
    2. Zahiruddin Babar
    3. Aurangzeb Alamgir
    4. Shah-jahan

  • The bird which lays more than 100 eggs in one nest is___________ ?
    1. Kiwi
    2. Ostrich
    3. Owl
    4. Parrot

  • Term Chinaman is related to which sports ?
    1. Football
    2. Cricket
    3. Hockey
    4. Volleyball

  • Duncan Strait is situated in which Ocean ?
    1. Pacific Ocean
    2. Indian Ocean
    3. Arctic Ocean
    4. Atlantic Ocean

  • Which country is closest to Andaman Islands ?
    1. Pakistan
    2. India
    3. Myanmar
    4. Sri-Lanka

  • Largest producer of wool in the world ?
    1. India
    2. Pakistan
    3. Brazil
    4. Australia

  • Pink dolphins are found in _______ River?
    1. Nile River
    2. Gengis River
    3. Amazon  River
    4. Indus River.

  • Fredrick Sanger has received the Noble Prize twice for which subjects ?
    1. Chemistry and Physics
    2. Biology and Physics
    3. Chemistry only
    4. Physics only

  • Uzbekistan, Turkemanistan and Gergia became members of UNO in which year ?
    1. 1990
    2. 1991
    3. 1992
    4. 1993

  • Worlds fastest shorthand writer is _________?
    1. Jm Tagore
    2. JS Birla
    3. GD Bist
    4. JS Mill
    5. Bist, Guinness Record Holder, the first-ever Ph. D. in Stenography in the world. He had achieved a highest speed of 250 w.p.m.

  • Obama was awarded with Noble Prize for peace in ________ ?
    1. 2009
    2. 2010
    3. 2012