• Who among the following discovered the sunspots?
    1. Johannes Kepler
    2. Einstein
    3. Copernicus
    4. Galileo

  • What is the percentage of salt water on earth surface?
    1. 93%
    2. 95%
    3. 97%
    4. 76%

  • The maximum risk to air travel is from?
    1. Clouds
    2. Rainfall
    3. Fogs
    4. Strong Winds

  • Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, but Venus is hotter than Mercury because of its_________?
    1. Pressure
    2. axis
    3. atmosphere
    4. surface

  • Which part of the atmosphere are you breathing right now?
    1. Bathysphere
    2. Stratosphere
    3. Troposphere
    4. Lonosphere

  • The earth revolves around the sun at a speed of__________?
    1. 18.5 km/sec
    2. 26.6 km/sec
    3. 29 km/sec
    4. 31.9 km/sec

  • What is the degree of rotation of the earth each hour?
    1. 7.5°
    2. 15°

  • Only object of earth can be seen from Moon What it is?
    1. Hanging Garden
    2. Light House
    3. Wall of China
    4. A Squire

  • Water present in watermelon?
    1. 92%
    2. 93%
    3. 94%
    4. 95%

  • Leprosy is the oldest disease in the world caused by which microorganism?
    1. Virus
    2. Fungi
    3. Bacteria
    4. None

  • The Distance of Neptune From Sun is ________ astronomical unit.
    1. 28
    2. 30
    3. 32
    4. None of these

  • Our atmosphere consists of__________ CO2?
    1. 0.03 to 0.04% CO2
    2. 0.3 to 0.4% CO2
    3. 3 to 4% CO2
    4. None of these

  • Our atmosphere consists of___________ Oxygen approximately?
    1. 11% Oxygen approximately
    2. 21% Oxygen approximately
    3. 31% Oxygen approximately
    4. None of these

  • Our atmosphere comprises of __________ Nitrogen?
    1. 38% Nitrogen
    2. 58% Nitrogen
    3. 78% Nitrogen
    4. None of these

  • Curie is a unit of measuring the intensity of ___________?
    1. Radioactivity
    2. Quantity of Heat
    3. Work or Energy
    4. Power

  • Newton metre is a unit of __________.
    1. Substance
    2. Length
    3. torque
    4. Work

  • Lux is a unit of __________?
    1. Luminous Flux
    2. Illumination
    3. Luminous Intensity
    4. Focus

  • Which of the following vitamin is known as folate?
    1. B-9
    2. B-1
    3. B-6
    4. vitamin-D

  • The Shortest air route from Moscow to San Francisco is?
    1. Over the South Pole
    2. Over the North Pole
    3. Over the Atlantic Ocean
    4. None of the above

  • Which of the following is a volcanic plateau?
    1. Antrum Plateau
    2. Brazilian Plateau
    3. Anatolia Plateau
    4. Tibetan Palteau

  • The most abundant element in sea water is?
    1. Chlorine
    2. Sodium
    3. Sulfur
    4. Magnesium

  • An abnormally great desire for food, excessive eating is called?
    1. Dysphagia
    2. Bulimia nervosa
    3. Phagia
    4. None of the above

  • The _______ test is a color perception test for red-green color deficiencies.
    1. Hemiplegia
    2. Ishihara
    3. Lalopathy
    4. None of the above

  • ________ is an instrument used in determining the directions of movement of clouds.
    1. Nephoscope
    2. Stethoscope
    3. Metroscope
    4. None of the above

  • _________ means a line on a map connecting points having the same atmospheric pressure at a given time or on average over a given period.
    1. Isobar
    2. Isobath
    3. Isohel
    4. Isohyet