• Which of the following vitamin is known as Folate?
    1. vitamin B-6
    2. vitamin B-9
    3. vitamin B-2
    4. vitamin B-12

  • The antiparticle of an electronic is _______?
    1. Positron
    2. Proton
    3. Alpha particular
    4. None of these

  • What cells are involved in bone remodeling?
    1. Osteoblasts
    2. Osteoclasts
    3. Osteocytes
    4. All of these

  • How many elements are in modern periodic table?
    1. 118
    2. 181
    3. 108
    4. 188

  • Which of the following vitamin is known as Pyridoxine?
    1. Vitamin B-1
    2. Vitamin B-2
    3. Vitamin B-6
    4. Vitamin B-12

  • Which is the most electro-negative element among the following _________?
    1. Fluorine
    2. Bromine
    3. Sodium
    4. Oxygen

  • The metal that is used as a catalyst in the hydrogenation of oils is _______?
    1. Ni
    2. Pb
    3. Cu
    4. Pt

  • Biggest award in the field of science is the __________?
    1. Noble Prize
    2. UNESCO peace prize
    3. Right livelihood prize
    4. All of these

  • How many elements are in Modern periodic table?
    1. 112
    2. 118
    3. 114
    4. 116

  • Which of the following vitamin is known as Riboflavin?
    1. vitamin B-1
    2. vitamin B-2
    3. vitamin B-3
    4. vitamin B-6

  • Which is known as ';Lifeblood of industries';?
    1. Finance
    2. Transport
    3. logistic
    4. Supplies

  • Which of the following vitamin is known as Pantothenic acid?
    1. vitamin B-1
    2. vitamin B-2
    3. vitamin B-3
    4. vitamin B-5

  • Which of the following vitamin is known as Biotin?
    1. vitamin B-3
    2. vitamin B-4
    3. vitamin B-5
    4. vitamin B-7

  • Chiken egg is composed of _______ cells?
    1. One cell
    2. 100 cells
    3. 1000 cells
    4. One million cells

  • Which of the following vitamin is known as Cobalamin?
    1. vitamin B-1
    2. vitamin B-3
    3. vitamin B-9
    4. vitamin B-12

  • Ibex is a wild alpine ________ found in Himalaya?
    1. Dog
    2. Hen
    3. Sheep
    4. Goat

  • Dyne is the unit of?
    1. Force
    2. Pressure
    3. Velocity
    4. Momentum

  • Quality rating of deisel is called?
    1. Octane
    2. Cetane
    3. Protane
    4. Butane

  • Which instrument is used to measuring height above sea leve?
    1. Hygrometer
    2. Hypsometer
    3. Pyrometer
    4. Solometer

  • When WBCs greatly increased in number, they cause a disease called?
    1. Anaemia
    2. Leukaemia
    3. Haemophilia
    4. Diarrhoea

  • Highest Clouds are ___________?
    1. Cirrocumulus
    2. Cirrus
    3. Cirrostratus
    4. All of these

  • When a bullet penetrates into a target, the kinetic energy of a bullet is converted into ?
    1. Potential energy
    2. Heat energy
    3. Both BandD
    4. Mechanical energy

  • Spinal card controls all ___________?
    1. Sexual activities
    2. Thinking activities
    3. Reflex activities
    4. none

  • Caustic Soda is extensively used for making __________?
    1. Surf
    2. Soap
    3. Plaster of Paris
    4. Gum

  • The back thigh muscles are also called__________?
    1. Gluteal
    2. Hamstring
    3. Sartorious
    4. Deltoid