• Saliva helps in the digestion of?
    1. Starch
    2. Proteins
    3. Lipids
    4. Fats

  • H5N1 virus is caused of_______?
    1. AIDs
    2. fever
    3. Bird flu
    4. non

  • Blood glucose level is raised by the following except __________?
    1. Carbohydrates
    2. Insulin
    3. Cholesterol
    4. Epinephrine

  • Enzymes are organic catalysts made up of __________?
    1. Carbohydrates
    2. Proteins
    3. Nucleic Acid
    4. Fats

  • Which among the following lens is used to correct Presbyopia?
    1. Bifocal
    2. Convex
    3. Concave
    4. Cylindrical

  • Fat is digested in which part of body?
    1. Small intestine
    2. Mouth
    3. Large intestine
    4. Spleen

  • Plant have ________ while animals lack it.

  • Atmospheric temperature increases at the higher altitudes due to________?
    1. Conduction
    2. Convection
    3. Inversion
    4. Radiation

  • Gold and Silver are known as _________ metals ?
    1. Coinage metals
    2. Noble metals
    3. Both A and B
    4. None of these

  • Name the famous Pakistani scientist who worked under the supervision of Albert Einstein?
    1. Dr Abdul Qadeer
    2. Riazuddin Siddiqui
    3. Ammar Muhammadi
    4. Dr Abdul Salam

  • Anti Diuretic hormone (ADH) is secreted by?
    1. Pituitary gland
    2. Pancreas
    3. Thyroid
    4. Parathyroid

  • Zika virus was named after the Zika forest of which country?
    1. Nigeria
    2. Angola
    3. Uganda
    4. Zimbabwe

  • Marble and Slate are which type of rock?
    1. Igneous
    2. Sedimentary
    3. Metamorphic
    4. Non of These

  • Cancer can be treated by ___________?
    1. Antibiotics and vaccines
    2. Radiotherapy and antibiotics
    3. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy
    4. Antibiotics and Chemotherapy

  • Dioptre is used to measure?
    1. luminous intensity
    2. power
    3. distance of heavenly bodies

  • Coldest point in atmosphere is?
    1. Tropopause
    2. Mesopause
    3. Exopause
    4. None of these

  • An important ore of chromium is ___________?
    1. Argon
    2. Chromite
    3. Mirage
    4. Diamond

  • NASA unveils the new Moon suit, which is known formally as____________?
    1. Exploration Extravehicular Mobility Unit (xEMU)
    2. Spacesuit
    3. Berkut
    4. Non of these

  • A rocket needs the speed of _______ to escape from earth';s gravity?
    1. 22 miles per second
    2. 15 miles per second
    3. 12 miles per second
    4. 7 miles per second

  • Huge cloud of gass and dust in the universe is called?
    1. Constellation
    2. Satellite
    3. Meteorite
    4. Nebula

  • Celestial body that affects tides of Ocean is?
    1. Sun
    2. Moon
    3. Galaxy
    4. Meteorites

  • Apart from Venus, which planet rotates from east to west?
    1. Jupiter
    2. Mars
    3. Uranus
    4. Neptune

  • Another name of RDX is ___________?
    1. Cyanohydrin
    2. Dextran
    3. Cyclohexane
    4. Cyclonite

  • What is the chemical name of vitamin E?
    1. Calciferol
    2. Tocopherol
    3. Riboflavin
    4. Phylloquinone
    5. Vitamin E is the term used for the eight related forms named tocopherols and tocotrienols. Each vitamin E form has its own biological activity but the name of the most active form is alpha-tocopherol (α-tocopherol) which natural configuration is 2R,4';R,8';R.

  • Heat exchanger tubes are never made of:
    1. Plain Carbon Steel
    2. Stainless Steel
    3. Lead
    4. Copper