• The process by which kidney stones are crushed with shock waves is called?
    1. Laparoscopy
    2. Dementia
    3. Lithotripsy
    4. None of these

  • Vegetable crop with rectangular seed is?
    1. Carrot
    2. Onion
    3. Turnip
    4. Cucumber

  • The chief ingredient of the mosquito repellent cream is derived from?
    1. Lemon
    2. Neem tree
    3. Rice bran
    4. Tulsi

  • In the medical system of treatment to relieve pains, called Acupuncture?
    1. Drugs are used
    2. Herbs are used
    3. Electric shocks are applied
    4. Fine needles are pricked in the body

  • EEG is used for diagnosing ailments connected with?
    1. Heart
    2. Brain
    3. Kidneys
    4. Lungs

  • A healthy man consumes maximum calories while playing?
    1. Cricket
    2. Golf
    3. Billiards
    4. Football

  • Which of following contains cobalt?
    1. Vitamin K
    2. Chlorophyll
    3. Vitamin B12
    4. Haemoglobin

  • Sodium Carbonate is commonly called ________?
    1. Plaster of Paris
    2. Washing Soda
    3. Common Salt
    4. None of these

  • Dyne is a unit of _______?
    1. Quantity
    2. Force
    3. Pressure
    4. Depth

  • The most abundant element in human body is __________?
    1. Hydrogen
    2. Blood
    3. Oxygen
    4. Protein

  • ";Plague"; is a disease, spread by?
    1. Cow
    2. Cat
    3. Rat
    4. Dog

  • Kidney disease happens due to overdose of?
    1. Vitamin A
    2. Vitamin B
    3. Vitamin C
    4. Proteins

  • Atmospheric pressure at sea level is _______?
    1. 746 mm
    2. 760 mm
    3. 820 mm
    4. None of these

  • A colour blind person cannot distinguish between _________?
    1. White and Yellow
    2. Red and Green
    3. Red and Black
    4. Green and Black

  • Study of joints called:
    1. Esthesiology
    2. Splanchnology
    3. Arthrology
    4. Anthropology

  • The gas heater gives us heat by __________?
    1. Radiation
    2. Conduction
    3. Convection
    4. Environmental pressure

  • Who discovered the law of attraction and repulsion in electric charges?
    1. Newton
    2. Gullelio
    3. Coulumb
    4. Einstein

  • For burning, which agent is necessary?
    1. Oxygen
    2. Hydrogen
    3. Carbon
    4. Fire

  • Which element is called earth maker?
    1. Oxygen
    2. Silicon
    3. Carbon
    4. Hydrogen

  • Earth revolves around the sun from?
    1. East to West
    2. West to East
    3. South to North
    4. North to South

  • Retinol is the chemical name of?
    1. Vitamin A
    2. Vitamin B
    3. Vitamin C
    4. Vitamin K

  • Virus was discovered by?
    1. Dmitry Ivanovsky
    2. Robert hook
    3. Antony
    4. Brown

  • Dielectric constant of water is?
    1. 60
    2. 70
    3. 80
    4. None of these

  • Mass spectrograph was Invented by?
    1. Rutherford
    2. Chadwik
    3. F.W.Aston
    4. None of these

  • Which blood cells are called ';Soldiers'; of the body ?
    1. WBC
    2. Platelets
    3. RBC
    4. All of the above