• There are ______ themes in geography.
    1. Three
    2. Four
    3. Five
    4. Seven

  • The earth surface and crust constantly evolving due to ?
    1. Rotary cycle
    2. Normal cycle
    3. Rock cycle
    4. Change cycle

  • Calcaneus bone in which part of human body?
    1. Heel
    2. Hand
    3. Arm
    4. Skull

  • Which type of climates of world has dry summer and wet winter ?
    1. Western European type
    2. Mediterranean type
    3. Equatorial type
    4. Tundra type

  • Tarsal bone is in the?
    1. Hand
    2. Arm
    3. Leg
    4. Foot

  • Sedimentary rocks are formed by natural process known as ?
    1. Lithification
    2. Rejuvenation
    3. Hydration
    4. Peroxidation

  • Which of the following is a positively charged particle emitted by a radioactive element?
    1. Beta Rays
    2. Alpha Rays
    3. Gamma Rays
    4. None of these

  • BRT stand for ?
    1. Blue rapid Transport
    2. Best road transportation
    3. Bus Rapid Transit
    4. Best road Transit

  • Atmospheric pressure decrease rapidly with altitude because the air becomes_______ ?
    1. Colder
    2. Less denser
    3. Rich in Ozone
    4. Warmer

  • Skin has ___________ layers?
    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. Four

  • The red blood cells originate in the ____________?
    1. Brain
    2. Muscles
    3. Ligaments
    4. Bone Marrow

  • The fastest bird is the Peregrine Falcon, clocked at speeds of up to _____ miles per hour?
    1. 240
    2. 250
    3. 260
    4. 230

  • DNA is _____________?
    1. Acetic Acid
    2. A class of nucleic acids
    3. Citric Acid
    4. None of these

  • Who discovered the blood group of man?
    1. Edward Jenner
    2. Laren
    3. Karl Landsteiner
    4. William Harvey

  • Which among the following lens is used to correct Presbyopia?
    1. Convex
    2. Concave
    3. Bifocal
    4. Cylindrical

  • All of the following foods lack vitamin C, except
    1. Cheese
    2. Milk
    3. Rice
    4. None of these

  • Most gases conduct electricity at:
    1. Normal pressure
    2. Very low pressure
    3. Very high pressure
    4. None of these

  • Which chamber of human heart pumps fully oxygenated blood to aorta and hence to the body:
    1. Right Auricle
    2. Left Auricle
    3. Right Ventricle
    4. Left Ventricle

  • Which product is obtained in the manufacture of soap from oils:
    1. Sodium chloride
    2. Sodium hydroxide
    3. Fats
    4. Glycerine

  • In bacteria mesosomes take the place of which one of the following?
    1. Ribosome
    2. Mitochondria
    3. Golgi bodies
    4. None of these

  • When did Amnesty International won the Noble Prize:
    1. 1917
    2. 1967
    3. 1977
    4. 1987

  • The brightest colour emitted by the sun is:
    1. Violet
    2. Yellow-Green
    3. Green- Blue
    4. Red

  • The chemical used as a fixer in photography is__________?
    1. Sodium sulphate
    2. Borax
    3. Sodium thiosulphate
    4. Ammonium sulphate

  • A blood alcohol level above ________ will often result in death:
    1. 0.10
    2. 0.20
    3. 0.30
    4. 0.41

  • Chromosomes first become visible during which phases of mitosis:
    1. Prometaphase
    2. Telophase
    3. Prophase
    4. Metaphase