• Cooking gas is mixture of which two gases?
    1. Hydrogen and oxygen
    2. Methane and CO2
    3. Methane and oxygen
    4. None of these

  • Substance used in match sticks ?
    1. Sulphur
    2. Zinc
    3. Acid
    4. Phosphorus

  • With the rise in temperature, metals conductivity____________?
    1. Remains same
    2. Increases
    3. Decreases
    4. None of these

  • Speed of sound in water at 20 °C is___________?
    1. 1450 m/s
    2. 1498 m/s
    3. 1500+ m/s

  • In thrombocytopenia condition, bone marrow makes?
    1. Too few platelets
    2. Normal platelets
    3. Too many platelets
    4. Does not effect

  • In Essential thrombocythemia (ET) condition, bone marrow makes?
    1. Too few platelets
    2. Normal platelets
    3. Too many platelets
    4. Does not effect

  • A normal platelets count range ?
    1. 1.5 lac  -; 4.5 lac platelets per liter blood.
    2. 1.5 lac -; 4.5 lac platelets per micro-liter of blood.
    3. 1.5 million  -; 4.5 million platelets per liter of blood.
    4. 1.5 million  -; 4.5 million platelets per micro-liter of blood.

  • Which group of compounds constitute carbohydrates?
    1. Sugar and proteins
    2. Starch and proteins
    3. Starch and sugar
    4. None of these

  • Which of the following planets rotate from east to west on its exis?
    1. Jupiter, Mars
    2. Mercury, Saturn
    3. Venus, Uranus
    4. Neptune, Earth

  • Characteristic odour of garlic is due to?
    1. A fluorine compoune
    2. A sulphur compound
    3. A chlorine compound
    4. None of these

  • Which has highest fuel value?
    1. Charcoal
    2. Gasoline
    3. Hydrogen
    4. None of these

  • Which Harmone contain iodine?
    1. Thyroxine
    2. Insulin
    3. Adrenaline.
    4. None of these

  • Ozone layer thickness is measured in____________?
    1. Metre
    2. Joule
    3. Pounds
    4. Dobson

  • Gland responsible for heightened emotions is?
    1. Pituitary gland
    2. Thoiroid gland
    3. Adrenal gland
    4. None of these

  • If the green leaves are placed under red light, their color will become________?
    1. Green
    2. Black
    3. Red
    4. Blue

  • Max plank is famous for his discovery of?
    1. Energy quanta
    2. photon
    3. both of these
    4. None of these

  • Unit of surface tension in cgs system is?
    1. Pascal
    2. N/m
    3. Dyn/cm
    4. None of these

  • Homologous means?
    1. Same Chemical Properties
    2. Same Chemical Numbers
    3. Different Chemical Properties
    4. Different Chemical Numbers

  • Unit of specific gravity is?
    1. Pascal
    2. No unit
    3. Mass/volume
    4. None of these

  • Which of the following is a transition element?
    1. Cl
    2. Cu
    3. S
    4. None of these

  • Melting Point of Tungsten is?
    1. 1000 C
    2. 2000 C
    3. 3000 C
    4. 4000 C

  • Sea water (Salt water) freezes at ?
    1. Same temperature as fresh water.
    2. Slightly higher temperatures than fresh water.
    3. Slightly higher temperature than fresh water.
    4. Sea water does not freeze

  • Which of the following is cold current ?
    1. Gulf Stream
    2. Brazil
    3. Benguela
    4. Kuroshio

  • Who gave the idea of law of inertia?
    1. Dalton
    2. Galileo Galilei
    3. Bacon
    4. Einstein

  • The term ';Geography'; was coined first time by a Greek scholar _________ in 234BC?
    1. Herodotus
    2. Thales of Miletus
    3. Eratosthenes
    4. Plato