• Refraction of sound can occur in:
    1. Water
    2. Air
    3. Both A and B
    4. None of these

  • The frequency of a turning fork determined by a:
    1. Magnetic tape
    2. Modulator
    3. Sonometer
    4. Reed instrument

  • The group of minerals chemically containing hydrocarbons is_______?
    1. Silicate group
    2. Organic group
    3. Oxide group
    4. Hydride group

  • The subatomic particles arriving from outer space having high energy are called?
    1. Protons
    2. Electrons
    3. Cosmic rays
    4. None of the above

  • A definite area or a space where some thermodynamic process takes place is known as?
    1. Thermodynamic system
    2. Thermodynamic cycle
    3. Thermodynamic process
    4. Thermodynamic law

  • A moving object always possesses?
    1. Potential Energy
    2. Kinetic Energy
    3. Thermal energy
    4. Magnetic energy

  • Study of culture is called?
    1. Odology
    2. Anthropology
    3. Ornithology
    4. Psychology

  • A disease always has a______?
    1. Cause

  • The time in which Earth completes its revolution around the Sun is________?
    1. 365.25 days
    2. 340 days
    3. 325 days
    4. 360 days

  • An Average Hummingbird';s heart rate per minute is __________.
    1. 500 times
    2. 1000 times
    3. more than 1000 times
    4. more than 1200 times

  • What do we call when the sound of frequency will be below 20 Hz?
    1. Audio sounds
    2. Infrasonic
    3. Ultrasonic
    4. Supersonics

  • All of the following foods contain carbohydrates except.
    1. Rice
    2. Meat
    3. Potato
    4. Milk

  • Symptoms of vitamin b7 deficiency are known to ______________.
    1. Pellagra
    2. Hair Loss
    3. Muscle weakness
    4. Xerophthalmia

  • Smallpox was eradicated in 1970s. What was the ';great pox'; which remains active?
    1. Bubonic plague
    2. Syphilis
    3. Measles
    4. None

  • Which one of the following is not a true snake________ ?
    1. Blink snake
    2. Glass snake
    3. Sea snake
    4. Tree snake

  • How many noses does an ant have?
    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. None

  • Which of the following is called as Blue planet?
    1. Mercury
    2. Earth
    3. Venus
    4. Neptune

  • Deforestation will decrease?
    1. Soil erosion
    2. Rainfall
    3. Landslides
    4. Soil fertility

  • How many bones are present in face?
    1. 14
    2. 15
    3. 20
    4. 18

  • The movement of earth around sun brings ________?
    1. Tornadoes
    2. Rainfall
    3. Seasons
    4. Earthquakes

  • Safe moisture content for the storage of cereals is?
    1. 10%
    2. 14%
    3. 16%
    4. 17%

  • A point directly below the sesmic focus is?
    1. Cleft
    2. Epicentre
    3. Incentre
    4. Orthocentre

  • Golden rice has the highest quantity of______?
    1. Vitamin A

  • Study of Liver and its diseases is called?
    1. Mycology
    2. Angiology
    3. Hepatology
    4. Otology

  • The most pure form of carbon among these are?
    1. Anthracite
    2. Lampblack
    3. Graphite
    4. None of these