• The author of novel ";The Bluest Eye"; is__________?
    1. Toni Morrison
    2. Munta Bannerji
    3. Shakespeare
    4. Adolf Hitler

  • World No-Tobacco Day is observed on__________?
    1. May 31
    2. May 29
    3. May 28
    4. May 22

  • International Day of ";UN Peacekeepers"; is observed on__________?
    1. May 29
    2. May 30
    3. July 26
    4. May 31

  • The currency of Belarus is_________?
    1. Ruble
    2. Eruo
    3. peso
    4. Dollar

  • ";TT"; is the news agancy of__________?
    1. Romaina
    2. Russia
    3. Canada
    4. Sweden

  • ROMPRESS is the news agancy of__________?
    1. Germany
    2. Canada
    3. Romania
    4. Russia

  • The Port of Naples is the seaport of____________?
    1. Italy
    2. Russia
    3. France
    4. Germany

  • River Mackenzie is located in__________?
    1. Russia
    2. Usa
    3. UK
    4. Canada

  • The Arch of Janus is situated in_________?
    1. Italy
    2. France
    3. Spain
    4. Germany

  • How many child marriages have been prevented by UNICEF in last decade reported in 2018?
    1. 15 million
    2. 25 million
    3. 35 million
    4. 45 million

  • What is the area of Japan?
    1. 477,972 km²
    2. 577,972 km²
    3. 537,972 km²
    4. 377,972 km²

  • How many points are in bedminton game?
    1. 11 points
    2. 21 points
    3. 31 points
    4. 41 points

  • Which of the following countries have the direct access to Black Sea?
    1. Hungry
    2. Georgia
    3. Slovakia
    4. Greece

  • In international competitions, Weight of Javelin Throw of female is___________?
    1. 400 g
    2. 600 g
    3. 800 g
    4. None of these

  • Port Dickson is a sea port of which country?
    1. Italy
    2. Syria
    3. Malaysia
    4. Australia

  • Nagorno Karabakh region is recognized as part of___________?
    1. Georgia
    2. Turkey
    3. Iran
    4. Azerbaijan

  • Which Country';s flag never flies at half-mast?
    1. Jordan
    2. Syria
    3. Iran
    4. Saudi Arabia

  • First meeting of Indian National Congress was held in?
    1. Calcutta
    2. Bombay
    3. Delhi
    4. Aligarh

  • Where is the headquarter of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)?
    1. Geneva
    2. Bonn
    3. Vienna
    4. London

  • P-waves is a term associated with__________?
    1. Earthquakes
    2. Oceans
    3. Wind
    4. Rivers

  • The first space shuttle launched by USA on April 12, 1981 was named?
    1. Discovery
    2. Endeavor
    3. Columbia
    4. Atlantis

  • When did Pakistan recognize Bangladesh?
    1. Dec 1973
    2. Jan 1974
    3. Feb 1974
    4. Mar 1974

  • Which country cricket team won the blind world cup 2018?
    1. Pakistan
    2. India
    3. Afghanistan
    4. Australia

  • How many times Pakistan won the "; Blind Cricket World Cup";?
    1. 0
    2. 1
    3. 2
    4. 3

  • How many Olympic Games have been held in Africa?
    1. 0
    2. 2
    3. 4
    4. 12