• Treaty of Lausanne was signed in_________?
    1. 1922
    2. 1924
    3. 1923
    4. 1921

  • Minsk is the capital of__________?
    1. Belarus
    2. Latvia
    3. Ukraine
    4. None

  • The longest lunar eclipse of 21st century was occurred on__________?
    1. 27th August, 2018
    2. 27th June, 2018
    3. 27th November, 2018

  • Nine Jewels ( Navaratnas) was Nine Members Courtiers of___________?
    1. Jahangir
    2. Akbar
    3. Babar
    4. Shah Jahan

  • Which King for the first time in Saudi history has officially visited Russia?
    1. King Faisal
    2. King Salman
    3. King Ahmad
    4. King Bagwar

  • Surat is a city in which country?
    1. India
    2. Palestine
    3. Saudi Arabia
    4. Iran

  • The playground of ";Baseball"; is known as___________?
    1. Diamond
    2. Ring
    3. Court
    4. Rink

  • Aleppo is a famous city of which Country?
    1. Iraq
    2. Lebanon
    3. Syria
    4. Iran

  • _______ is called ";Pearl of Antilles";?
    1. Cuba
    2. Iraq
    3. Qatar
    4. None

  • The Mirror is the News paper of________?
    1. USA
    2. UAE
    3. UK
    4. GERMANY

  • What is the name of the Europe’s first underwater restaurant?
    1. 5.8 Undersea Restaurant
    2. Ithaa Undersea Restaurant
    3. Under
    4. SEA

  • Which country is called White Man';s grave?
    1. Afghanistan
    2. Iraq
    3. Haiti
    4. Guinea

  • ";Penang"; is the seaport of____________?
    1. Malaysia
    2. United States
    3. France
    4. Germany

  • Maktoobat e Imam Rabbani is one of the writtings of ______________?
    1. Shah Waliullah
    2. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
    3. Allama Iqbal
    4. Mujaddid Alif Sani

  • First meeting of UN General Assembly meeting was held on__________?
    1. 10 January,  1946
    2. 10 January, 1945
    3. 15 January, 1945
    4. 24 October, 1945

  • Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi (Mujaddid Alif Sani) was born on__________?
    1. 971 AH
    2. 973 AH
    3. 974 AH
    4. 975 AH

  • Seven Queens of Sindh are mentioned in___________?
    1. Mashriq Ki Betiyan
    2. Shah Jo Risalo
    3. Sindh Ja Surma
    4. Pirs of Sindh

  • Which from the Following Countries is NOT the member of BRICS?
    1. America
    2. Russia
    3. China
    4. India

  • The first nuclear power plant in Pakistan was established at___________?
    1. Mianwali
    2. Islamabad
    3. Peshawar
    4. Karachi

  • How many countries have successfully detonated nuclear weapons?
    1. 5 countries
    2. 7 countries
    3. 8 countries
    4. 11 countries

  • A group of elephants is called___________?
    1. ZEAL
    2. Herd
    3. MOB
    4. TOWER

  • A lion sleeps _______ hours a day?
    1. 5 hours
    2. 7 hours
    3. 10 hours
    4. 20 hours

  • In which year IDEAS (International defence exhibition and seminar) was cancelled by government of Pakistan citing devastating floods as the reason?
    1. 2002
    2. 2006
    3. 2014
    4. 2010

  • Pakistan is hosting IDEAS (International defence exhibition and seminar) since 2000 after every ________ years?
    1. 1
    2. 3
    3. 2
    4. 4

  • What does Biennial means __________?
    1. An event occurring every year.
    2. An event occurring every two years.
    3. An event occurring every four years.
    4. An event occurring every sixteen years.