• Mostly Which Country sales sophisticated weapons to Saudi Arabia?
    1. Russia
    2. US
    3. European countries
    4. China

  • NRO is Abbreviation of_______________?
    1. No Reconciliation Ordinance
    2. National Reconciliation Order
    3. No Reconciliation Order
    4. National Reconciliation Ordinance

  • Asia Cup 2018 held in which country?
    1. UAE
    2. Bangladesh
    3. India
    4. Indonesia

  • European Court of justice established in 1952, is located in___________?
    1. Hague, Netherlands.
    2. Geneva, Switzerland
    3. Luxembourg city
    4. Belgium

  • Who is the author of the book ";Kashmir-A Disputed Legacy";?
    1. Josef korbel
    2. Lawrence Ziring
    3. Alistair Lamb
    4. KK Aziz

  • FATF is Abbreviation for_____________?
    1. Financial Action Task foundation
    2. Financial Auto Task force
    3. Force Action Task Force
    4. Financial Action Task Force

  • +20 is International code for which Country?
    1. libya
    2. Syria
    3. Palestine
    4. Egypt

  • Where the Eleventh WTO Ministerial Conference was held?
    1. London
    2. Buenos Aires
    3. Berlin
    4. Geneva

  • What is the Total Construction Cost of World';s longest Sea bridge?
    1. $20bn
    2. $30bn
    3. $40bn
    4. $50bn

  • Which Country build world';s longest sea bridge?
    1. Hong Kong
    2. China
    3. Japan
    4. Russia

  • The Capital of ";East Timor"; is__________?
    1. Dili
    2. Roseau
    3. Quito
    4. Bogota

  • The Capital of ";Belize"; is_________?
    1. Belmopan
    2. La Pas
    3. Brasila
    4. Sucre

  • Where was Napoleon sent into exile after the ";Battle Of Waterloo";?
    1. St.Helena
    2. Elba
    3. Corsica
    4. Capri

  • The ";Pacific Ocean"; was named by__________?
    1. Francis Bacon
    2. Jame Wilson
    3. None of these

  • Ashgabad is the capital city of___________?
    1. Kazakhstan
    2. Turkmenistan
    3. Tajikstan
    4. Armenia

  • IBM has purchased open source software company Red Hat for_________?
    1. $24 billion
    2. $34 billion
    3. $44 billion
    4. $51 billion

  • ";Pakistan: A Modern History"; is written by___________?
    1. Ian Talbot
    2. Lawrence Ziring
    3. Anatol Lieven
    4. K.K.Aziz

  • How many time zones are there in France?
    1. 9
    2. 10
    3. 11
    4. 12

  • Donald John Trump belongs to the state of________?
    1. New York
    2. Hawaii
    3. Washington DC
    4. None

  • What is the theme of the 2018 World Food Day (WFD)?
    1. A millennium free from hunger
    2. Our Actions Are Our Future
    3. Break the Cycle of Rural Poverty
    4. Harvesting nature’s diversity

  • Who was the founder of Jamat_e_islami?
    1. mian tufail muhammed
    2. maulana syed abul a';ala moududi
    3. qazi hussain ahmed
    4. siraj ul haq

  • When was Jamat_e_Islami founded?
    1. 26 august, 1941
    2. 26 august, 1940
    3. 26 august, 1942
    4. 26 august, 1943

  • Max planck received the noble prize in physics in ____________ for discovery of Energy Quanta?
    1. 1915
    2. 1916
    3. 1917
    4. 1918

  • Who Is the author of ";Nineteen-Eighty-Four";???
    1. R.K.Layman
    2. George Orwell
    3. None of these

  • The Ancient City “Prayaga” was renamed as “Allahabad” by which Mughal emperor?
    1. Akbar
    2. Aurangzeb
    3. Humayun
    4. Shah Jahan