• When was the Water and Power Development Authority established?
    1. February 12, 1958
    2. February 12, 1959
    3. February 12, 1960
    4. February 12, 1961

  • The ruling military junta changed its name from Burma to Myanmar in ________?
    1. 1969
    2. 1979
    3. 1989
    4. 1999

  • The height of Leaning Tower of Pisa is_________?
    1. 300m
    2. 368m
    3. 57m
    4. 27m

  • Pine is a __________?
    1. fruit
    2. vegetable
    3. Tree
    4. Grass

  • Which Country is the largest producer of Potatoes?
    1. India
    2. China
    3. USA
    4. Pakistan

  • When USA declared ISIS as terrorist Organization of the World?
    1. 20 May-2016
    2. 15 January-2016
    3. 15 June-2015
    4. 22 March-2016

  • Abdul Sattar Edhi died at the age of?
    1. 84
    2. 86
    3. 90
    4. 88

  • Where is the headquarter of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation?
    1. Beijing
    2. Toronto
    3. Moscow
    4. Singapore

  • How many countries are members of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)?
    1. 12
    2. 21
    3. 31
    4. 41

  • The World leader in Geothermal Electricity is___________?
    1. New Zealand
    2. USA
    3. Iceland
    4. Pakistan

  • Who Called Mahatma Gandhi ";a half naked fakir";?
    1. Nehru
    2. Roosevelt
    3. Churchill
    4. none of these

  • Which Country has 27 stars on its Flag?
    1. Mexico
    2. Panama
    3. Cuba
    4. Brazil

  • Where is the headqurter of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD)?
    1. Paris
    2. New York
    3. Geneva
    4. Vienna

  • Which Planet is Called Great Red Spot?
    1. Neptune
    2. Mars
    3. Jupiter
    4. Mercury

  • LLAMA is the National Animal of which Country?
    1. Brazil
    2. Italy
    3. Canada
    4. Bolivia

  • How many Countries are members of OIC?
    1. 55
    2. 56
    3. 57
    4. 64

  • The Parliament of Cuba is called____________?
    1. National assembly
    2. National Assembly of People';s Power
    3. Federal assembly
    4. Cortes

  • When Houthi rebels toppled the internationally recognized government in Yemen?
    1. 2013
    2. 2014
    3. 2015
    4. 2016

  • Capital of Togo is_________?
    1. Lomé
    2. Lusaka
    3. Khartoum
    4. Thirnphu

  • UNITA has become a political party in angola but between the 1960,s-1990,s it was one of the chief rebel groups in the country. Who was it';s leader?
    1. Robert Mugabe
    2. Samuel Doe
    3. Jonas Savimbi
    4. Amilcar Carbral

  • What is the flattest Continent?
    1. Asia
    2. Australia
    3. Europe
    4. Antarctica

  • CV or curriculum vitae is very often used. From which language is the term curriculum vitae derived?
    1. French
    2. Greek
    3. Latin
    4. German

  • Dynamite was invented by___________?
    1. Alfred Nobel
    2. Thomas Edison
    3. William Davis
    4. None of these

  • AP News Agency has its headquarter in ______________?
    1. New York
    2. Washington
    3. Paris
    4. London

  • Yerevan is Capital of ______ Country ?
    1. Barbodas
    2. Armenia
    3. Senegal
    4. None of these