• Maya beach is located in which country?
    1. Indonesia
    2. Thailand
    3. Malaysia
    4. Russia

  • Who has the longest reign among following?
    1. Angela Merkel
    2. Barack Obama
    3. President Putin
    4. Narendra Modi

  • How many times the National Flag of Aganistan has been changed in last 100 years?
    1. 10
    2. 13
    3. 15
    4. 18

  • Which of the following countries is closest in size to Sri Lanka?
    1. Qatar
    2. Rwanda
    3. Iceland
    4. Laos

  • What continent is home to all the world';s countries that begin with ";Z";?
    1. South America
    2. Africa
    3. Asia
    4. Europe

  • Zacatecas is a state located in which country?
    1. Canada
    2. Mexico
    3. Brazil
    4. Jamaica

  • Madagascar is off the coast of which country?
    1. South Africa
    2. Mozambique
    3. Tanzania
    4. Kenya

  • Which of the following country is called enclave?
    1. Kosovo
    2. Liechtenstein
    3. Slovakia
    4. San Marino

  • Which if the following countries is closest in size to Pakistan?
    1. Congo
    2. Paraguay
    3. Turkey
    4. Chile

  • Cape Agulhas is where the two oceans meet?
    1. Atlantic and Indian
    2. Indian and Pacific
    3. Atlantic and Arctic
    4. Pacific and Atlantic

  • Whose face was first uploaded on Facebook?
    1. Al Pacino
    2. Zuckerberg
    3. Adam smith
    4. Shahid Chudhary

  • Disappointment island is in which country?
    1. New Zealand
    2. England
    3. India
    4. None of these

  • Who Was the First Woman to run for President of the United States?
    1. Hillary Clinton
    2. Margaret Chase Smith
    3. Victoria Woodhull
    4. Patsy Mink

  • The president of USA ____ asked British Government to divide India into two parts namely Muslim India and Hindu India?
    1. Woodrow Wilson
    2. F.D Roosevelt
    3. both
    4. None of these

  • Degrees on a map are divided into 60 equal parts. What are these parts called?
    1. Days
    2. Seconds
    3. Minutes
    4. Hours

  • Which of the following countries is an archipelago located in the Indian Ocean?
    1. Vanuatu
    2. Maldives
    3. Jamaica
    4. Kiribati

  • The total area of the earth is _______ Greater than the area of US.
    1. 10 times
    2. 20 times
    3. 29 times
    4. 52 times

  • The new name of Facebook is __________?
    1. Meta
    2. Beta
    3. Delta
    4. Face point

  • A Doll';s House is written by _________?
    1. Kk Aziz
    2. Mixim Gorky
    3. Ibsen
    4. Adam Dente

  • Strait connecting the Black sea and the Sea of Azov is ________?
    1. Palk Strait
    2. Kerch Strait
    3. Bosphorous Strait
    4. Dardenals Strait

  • The Masoleum of Halicarnassus is located in which country?
    1. Turkey
    2. China
    3. Greece
    4. Egypt

  • Which city is nicknamed as ";Bat City"; ?
    1. Casper, Wyoming
    2. Pottstown, Pennsylvania
    3. Red Wing, Minnesota
    4. Austin, Texas

  • The famous incident of Boston Tea Party took place in _________?
    1. 1770
    2. 1765
    3. 1773
    4. None of these

  • Mount Fuji is located in which country?
    1. Japan
    2. England
    3. France
    4. Canada

  • Anastasian Wall is located in which country?
    1. England
    2. Ukraine
    3. Turkey
    4. Spain