• The first successful expedition to the Mount Everest was made in__________?
    1. 1962
    2. 1965
    3. 1968
    4. 1953

  • Who wrote the book ';India Wins Freedom'; ?
    1. Allama iqbal
    2. Molana Abdul Kalam Azad
    3. Sikandar mirza
    4. None of these

  • OIC stands for __________?
    1. Organization of Islamic Conference
    2. Organization of Islamic Committee
    3. Organization of Islamic Cell
    4. Organization of Islamic Cooperation

  • In which city the United Nations was created?
    1. Shanghai
    2. San Francisco
    3. Charlottetown
    4. New York

  • Which is the main industrial activity in Tanzania?
    1. Cloves export
    2. Mining
    3. Oil based
    4. Sugar/coconut based

  • China Times is the official newspaper for which country?
    1. Russia
    2. Taiwan
    3. China
    4. Georgia

  • Cancun is a famous city of country?
    1. Spain
    2. Italy
    3. USA
    4. Mexico

  • Bali is famous tourist resort of___________?
    1. Malaysia
    2. Indonesia
    3. Australia
    4. None of these

  • Which country is called ";Land of direct democracy";?
    1. India
    2. Germany
    3. USA
    4. Switzerland

  • Which countries flag has red circle on green background?
    1. Malaysia
    2. Bangladesh
    3. Indonesia
    4. Taiwan

  • On which country national flag there is an eagle and a snake?
    1. Mexico
    2. Germany
    3. Austria
    4. Peru

  • Which British explorer was the first European  to see the Victoria Falls?
    1. john hanning speke
    2. David Livingstone
    3. james cook
    4. None of these

  • Name the first Astronaut to walk in space in 1965. He remained in space for 20 minutes.
    1. Neil Armstrong
    2. Alexei Leonov
    3. Yuri Gagarin
    4. None of these

  • Name the first Muslim who travelled in space from April 29 to May 6,1985?
    1. Sheikh khalid ul waleed
    2. Sheikh Bokhtar
    3. Prince karim sulman
    4. Prince Sultan bin Salman Al Saud

  • World';s first commercial communication satellite was launched in 1965. Its name was
    1. Tiros I
    2. Early Bird
    3. Soyuz I
    4. None of these

  • In the Muslim World which country has the highest per capita income?
    1. Kuwait
    2. UAE
    3. Qatar
    4. Oman

  • Name the bird which is fastest and can attain speed of 200km?
    1. Eagle
    2. Indian Swift
    3. Condor
    4. Falcon

  • How many Times has Brazil won the world cup football championship?
    1. Five Times
    2. Three Times
    3. Four Times
    4. Two Times

  • Where is the Devils Tower located ?
    1. Japan
    2. America
    3. China
    4. Russia
    5. Devils Tower is a butte, possibly laccolithic, composed of igneous rock in the Bear Lodge Ranger District of the Black Hills, near Hulett and Sundance in Crook County, northeastern Wyoming, above the Belle Fourche River. It rises 1,267 feet above the Belle Fourche River, standing 867 feet from summit to base.

  • Great Mosque of Cordoba is located in which country ?
    1. Iran
    2. Turkey
    3. Spain
    4. Brazil

  • Valley of the Kings is located in which country ?
    1. Turkey
    2. Algeria
    3. Hungary
    4. Egypt

  • International Space Station ( ISS) was launched in which year ?
    1. 1997
    2. 1998
    3. 1999
    4. 2000
    5. The ownership and use of the space station is established by intergovernmental treaties and agreements.

  • Who did the USA buy the Virgin Islands from?
    1. Denmark
    2. France
    3. Italy
    4. Russia

  • what is the length of Karakoram Highway?
    1. 810 miles
    2. 910 miles
    3. 710 miles
    4. None of these

  • Toward Freedom 1936 is the autobiography of which personality?
    1. Jawaharlal Nehru
    2. Molana Abul Kalam Azad
    3. Quaid e Azam
    4. None of these