• suez canal is owned by________?
    1. Syria
    2. turkey
    3. Egypt
    4. None of these

  • Indian city Mumbai consists of how many islands?
    1. Five islands
    2. Six islands
    3. Seven islands
    4. Ten islands

  • Capital of Germany is __________?
    1. Nairobi
    2. London
    3. Paris
    4. Berlin

  • Where is river Thames?
    1. England
    2. Thailand
    3. Germany
    4. Russia

  • Who is the first purchaser of Pak-China made JF-17 Air craft?
    1. Bangladesh
    2. Myanmar
    3. South Korea
    4. Italy

  • Term of the President of UN General Assembly is ___________?
    1. 1 Year
    2. 2 Years
    3. 5 Years
    4. None of these

  • 16th century built Kharphocho Fort is located in___________?
    1. Kot Digi
    2. Taxila
    3. Swat
    4. Skardu

  • Height of Broad Peak, 12th highest mountain in the world is________?
    1. 8047 m
    2. 8125 m
    3. 8611 m
    4. None of these

  • Japan captured Manchuria in________?
    1. 1931
    2. 1929
    3. 1930
    4. None of these

  • Jaisalmer is a city in_____________?
    1. Turkey
    2. Egypt
    3. India
    4. Iraq

  • Which of the following is the largest mosque in the world?
    1. Imam Ali Mosque, Iraq
    2. Great Mosque of Mecca, Saudi Arabia
    3. Al-Masjid an-Nabawi , Saudi Arabia
    4. Faisal Mosque, Pakistan

  • The first frisbee was made in __________?
    1. 1957
    2. 1958
    3. 1959
    4. None of these

  • Who is considered one of the greatest investors in the world?
    1. Bill Gates
    2. Elon Musk
    3. Warren Buffet
    4. None of the Above

  • At the time of invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11 attacks, who was the president of US?
    1. Bill Clinton
    2. George W. Bush
    3. Barrack Obama
    4. None of these

  • Who is the Current Supreme Leader of Taliban in Afghanistan?
    1. Mullah Abdul Ghani Bardar
    2. Mullah Haibat Ullah Akhunzada
    3. Mullah Abdul Hakim
    4. Siraj Uddin Haqqani

  • The Ramon Magsaysay Award is awarded to honour people and groups tackling ?
    1. Education Problems
    2. Poverty Problems
    3. Development Problems
    4. None of these

  • The Ramon Magsaysay Award — named after a Filipino president killed in a plane crash — was established in________?
    1. 1957
    2. 1960
    3. 1967
    4. None of these

  • When was International Dog Day 2021 observed?
    1. August 24th
    2. August 25th
    3. August 26th
    4. August 27th

  • The Men Who Ruled India: was written by__________?
    1. Rousseau
    2. Philip Mason
    3. G. Allana
    4. None of these

  • Atlantic Wall is located in which country?
    1. Spain
    2. France
    3. Croatia
    4. Italy

  • ";Hyde Park"; London is renowned for?
    1. Being residence of England';s foreign minister.
    2. Beautiful red roses.
    3. Unique design.

  • BECA stands for: __________?
    1. Basic Exchange And Cooperation Agreement
    2. Bilateral Engagement And Cooperation Agreement
    3. Bilateral Engagement And Counter Arrangement
    4. None of these

  • Warsaw is capital of_________?
    1. Austria
    2. Poland
    3. Bulgaria
    4. Sweden

  • International Day of UN Peacekeeper celebrated every year on ________?
    1. 27 May
    2. 28 May
    3. 29 May
    4. None of these

  • Khartoum is the capital of__________?
    1. Iraq
    2. Iran
    3. Yemen
    4. Sudan