• Parliament of Norway is known as:
    1. Althing
    2. Storting
    3. Federal Assembly
    4. Congress

  • Parliament of Oman is known as __________?
    1. Consultative Assembly
    2. National Assembly
    3. National Congress
    4. None of the above

  • Masherbrum Peak is located in _______?
    1. Gilgit, GB
    2. Skardu, GB
    3. Ghanche, GB
    4. Shigar, GB

  • What does Duff mean in golf?
    1. A bad shot
    2. A good shot
    3. Winning shot
    4. None of the above

  • Hitting the ball into the hole in one stroke in golf is called?
    1. Eagle
    2. Par
    3. Ace
    4. Birdie

  • Par, Birdie, Eagle and Ace are famous terms of ____________ sport?
    1. Basketball
    2. Golf
    3. Football
    4. Cricket

  • What is the height of an ice hockey goal?
    1. 40 inches
    2. 44 inches
    3. 48 inches
    4. 52 inches

  • The width of an ice hockey goal is ________?
    1. 70 inches
    2. 72 inches
    3. 74 inches
    4. 76 inches

  • What is the length of an ice hockey stick?
    1. 60 inches
    2. 63 inches
    3. 65 inches
    4. 70 inches

  • There are _______ players in each team in Ice Hockey.
    1. Six
    2. Seven
    3. Eight
    4. Nine

  • Stanley Cup is associated with which of the following sport?
    1. Hockey
    2. Ice Hockey
    3. Football
    4. None of the above

  • The Hockey Hall of Fame is located in _______?
    1. Paris
    2. New York
    3. Toronto
    4. Bern

  • Which country invented Ice Hockey?
    1. England
    2. Canada
    3. America
    4. Pakistan

  • Under the rules of golf, a golf ball has a mass no more than?
    1. 1. 62 ounces
    2. 1.65 ounces
    3. 1.75 ounces
    4. None of the above

  • What is the size of a golf hole?
    1. 4.25 inches
    2. 4.50 inches
    3. 4.75 inches
    4. 5 inches

  • Which of the following country invented golf?
    1. England
    2. Ireland
    3. Canada
    4. Scotland

  • Antonio Guterres UN Secretary General also served as?
    1. Head of University
    2. President of Portugal
    3. Prime minister of Portugal
    4. Executive member of IMF

  • How many planets are in our solar system?
    1. 9
    2. 8
    3. 7
    4. 5

  • ";Dum dum"; International Airport is in__________?
    1. Kolkata
    2. England
    3. Canada
    4. None of these

  • The main administrative capital of the African Union is in:____________?
    1. Sudan
    2. South Africa
    3. Egypt
    4. Ethiopia

  • North Korea invaded South Korea in the year?
    1. 1947
    2. 1948
    3. 1949
    4. 1950

  • Which country is considered as an original member of UN though it signed the charter later?
    1. Poland
    2. India
    3. United States
    4. None of these

  • How many delegates can each country sent to the UN General Assembly?
    1. 7
    2. 8
    3. 5
    4. None of these

  • The Gulf War of 1991 was precipitated by Iraqi annexation of_______?
    1. Saudi Arabia
    2. Kuwait
    3. Bahrain
    4. None of these

  • Who was the first Secretary-General elected from the rankers staff of United Nations?
    1. U Thant
    2. Dr. Kurt Waldheim
    3. Kofi Annan
    4. Trygive Lie
    5. ANNAN of Ghana, the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations, served from 1997 to 2006 and was the first to emerge from the ranks of United Nations staff.