• In which country can the military personnel also contest elections?
    1. Myanmar
    2. Egypt
    3. Hong Kong
    4. China

  • First country to ban complete ";Deforestation"; is ?
    1. Australia
    2. Sweden
    3. Norway
    4. Denmark

  • Minar-E-Pakistan was designed by which Russian born Pakistani architect?
    1. Nasreddin Murat-Khan TI
    2. Vedat Dalokay
    3. Arif Masoud
    4. Yahya Merchant

  • Who got the title of "; Father of education"; in Muslims of subcontinent?
    1. Quaid-e-Azam
    2. Allama Iqbal
    3. Sir Syed Ahmad khan
    4. None of these

  • Brandenburg Gate is located in ___________?
    1. Italy
    2. Germany
    3. Russia
    4. None of these

  • Wellington Arch is located in ____________?
    1. New Zealand
    2. England
    3. Australia
    4. None of these

  • Green Park is located in ___________?
    1. Cuba
    2. England
    3. Poland
    4. Germany

  • Canada Gate is in ___________?
    1. Canada
    2. England
    3. USA
    4. France

  • Which Country have water proof currency?
    1. Iranian
    2. Asian
    3. African
    4. Australian

  • What is secret agency of Israel?
    1. CIA
    2. MOSSAD
    3. RAW
    4. ASIS

  • What is the oval office?
    1. FIFA Headquarter
    2. International cricket council office in dubai
    3. The personal office of US president
    4. None of these

  • On which date U.S. purchased Alaska state from Russia ?
    1. 18 Oct, 1867
    2. 30 Mar, 1867
    3. 12 Dec, 1867
    4. None of these

  • Which university become the first Pakistan university to start a PhD programme on Seerat-ul-Nabi(SAW)?
    1. Sargodha University
    2. Liaquat Universit
    3. Sindh University
    4. Punjab University

  • TransPeshawar BRT system consist of how many stations ?
    1. 26
    2. 28
    3. 30
    4. 32

  • The oldest Engineering university of Pakistan is ____________?
    1. National University of science and technology
    2. University of Engineering and technology Lahore
    3. University Engineering and technology taxila
    4. None of these

  • First person in the world to receive Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine is from?
    1. USA
    2. UK
    3. France
    4. Russia

  • Aksai chin is between which two countries?
    1. Pakistan and India
    2. China and India
    3. Pakistan and Iran
    4. China and Pakistan

  • Which city of Pakistan is called  ";City of Schools";.
    1. Haripur
    2. Kohistan
    3. Abbottabad
    4. Mansehra

  • Which nation is also referred as ";The Land of Flying Fish"; ?
    1. Barbados
    2. Guyana
    3. Finland
    4. Jamaica

  • When was the right to vote given to women in Switzerland?
    1. 1935
    2. 1950
    3. 1965
    4. 1971

  • Which air line won the best award 2020?
    1. New Zealand
    2. Canada
    3. America
    4. Japan

  • Oslo agreements in 1993 were signed between?
    1. Azerbaijan , Russia
    2. Israel , Palestine
    3. Iran , USA
    4. None of these

  • On every 10 December, the Noble peace prize is awarded in?
    1. USA
    2. Norway
    3. Rome
    4. None of these

  • Kaliningrad border lies with lithuania and Poland, that territory belongs to which country?
    1. Poland
    2. Lithuania
    3. Russia
    4. None of these

  • Cod wars were fought between?
    1. UK , Iceland
    2. Norway , Iceland
    3. Sweden , Denmark
    4. None of these