• Which country opens first Islamic school for transgender persons?
    1. Pakistan
    2. Afghanistan
    3. Bangladesh
    4. Iraq

  • The ratio between land & oceans by area is ____________.
    1. 80.2% and 19.8%
    2. 59% and 41%
    3. 70.8% and 29.2%
    4. 61% and 29%

  • Earth has an equatorial circumference of __________.
    1. 34,902 miles
    2. 24,902 miles
    3. 44, 902 miles
    4. None of these

  • Total area of the earth is _________ million km².
    1. 510
    2. 492
    3. 392
    4. 692

  • When All Pakistan Ulema council was founded?
    1. 1980
    2. 1989
    3. 1990
    4. 1998

  • Sonoran Desert is located in?
    1. Brazil
    2. Namibia
    3. China
    4. North America

  • which type of milk is generally lowest in fat?
    1. Full cream
    2. Powered
    3. Fried
    4. Skimmed

  • Which country has two capitals?
    1. France
    2. Bolivia
    3. Germany
    4. Italy

  • Pravda was the newspaper of ___________?
    1. America
    2. China
    3. Germany
    4. Soviet union

  • Who is first lady fighter pilot of Pakistan?
    1. Gazala Suleiman
    2. Maliha Sami
    3. Shukerya Khanam
    4. Ayesha Farooq

  • Africa’s tallest mountain, the Mount Kilimanjaro is located in which country?
    1. South Africa
    2. Tanzania
    3. Zimbabwe
    4. Nigeria

  • Which city becomes world’s highest baseball field?
    1. Skardu, Pakistan
    2. Tokyo, Japan
    3. Leadville, Colorado
    4. La paz, Bolivia

  • How Many Dams are in Pakistan?
    1. 100 Dams
    2. 150 Dams
    3. 200 Dams
    4. 250 Dams

  • Where is the library of mistakes?
    1. London
    2. EdinBurgh
    3. Dublin
    4. Leeds

  • When was Rocky Mountain National Park Act was signed by President Woodrow Wilson?
    1. 25 December 1915
    2. 26 January 1915
    3. 27 February 1915
    4. None of these

  • What was the old name of china?
    1. Xiamen
    2. Hefei
    3. Macau
    4. Qin

  • Which country is known as Sino?
    1. Cuba
    2. Fiji
    3. China
    4. Chad

  • What is the meaning of Siachen Glacier?
    1. High glacier
    2. Abundance of roses
    3. Pure glacier
    4. Blue glacier

  • The right to voting in U.K was extended to woman in ____________?
    1. 1928
    2. 1929
    3. 1930
    4. 1931

  • The Residential place of the Britain Prime Minister is at _____________?
    1. 10-Downing Street
    2. White House
    3. Black House
    4. None of these

  • King John granted Magna Carta to the Barons in the year ___________?
    1. 1215
    2. 1315
    3. 1415
    4. 1515

  • First Prime Minister of Britain who lead the govt of Britain for over twenty years?
    1. Robert Walpole
    2. Lord Morley
    3. Munro
    4. None of these

  • British Parliament is also called the ______________?
    1. Father parliament
    2. Mother parliament
    3. Brother parliament
    4. Sister parliament

  • In which year Zimbabwe gained independence?
    1. 1971
    2. 1987
    3. 1980
    4. 1977

  • Pakistan has the ________ highest number of diabetic patients in the world.
    1. First
    2. Second
    3. Third
    4. Fourth