• How many gods are there in Zoroastrianism?
    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. None of these

  • What is the meaning of Shiva?
    1. The helper
    2. The destroyer
    3. The creator
    4. None of these

  • What is the meaning of Vishnu?
    1. The destroyed
    2. The preserver
    3. The image of god
    4. None of these

  • What is the meaning of Brahma?
    1. The preserver
    2. The destroyer
    3. The creator
    4. None of these

  • Religion which believes that Hazrat Uzair (A.S) is the son of Allah?
    1. Zoroastrian
    2. Majusi
    3. Jew
    4. None of these

  • What was the religion of Persian people before Islam?
    1. Judaism
    2. Hanfa
    3. Zoroastrian
    4. None of these

  • The most ancient city of South Asia is?
    1. Lahore
    2. Peshawar
    3. Ghazni
    4. Karachi

  • In which fort Raja Dahir';s wife fled with 15000 troops from,where she challenged Mohammad Bin Qasim?
    1. Potwar
    2. Kirthar
    3. Rawar
    4. None of these

  • The most famous court poet of Akbar was:
    1. Raskhan
    2. Surdas
    3. Abdur Rahain Khan-i-Khanah
    4. None of these

  • Amir Khusro';s name is associated with the invention of?
    1. Sitar
    2. Tabla
    3. Shehnai
    4. None of these

  • Which two countries south Asia';s first cross-border oil pipeline?
    1. China-Nepal
    2. India-Nepal
    3. Pakistan-China
    4. Turkey-India

  • What is the literal meaning of word philosophy?
    1. Love of wisdom
    2. love of God
    3. love of nature
    4. love of knowledge

  • Religion Shintoism is followed in which of the following countries?
    1. China
    2. Russia
    3. Japan
    4. Nepal

  • In which sport do teams compete for the Dunhill Cup?
    1. Snooker
    2. Golf
    3. Table Tennis
    4. Badminton

  • Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany in __________?
    1. 1931
    2. 1932
    3. 1933
    4. 1934

  • The All India Muslim Ladies Conference was founded in the year _________?
    1. 1912
    2. 1913
    3. 1907
    4. 1915

  • French author Alexander Dumas wrote which of the following?
    1. Count of Monte Cristo
    2. The Three Musketeers
    3. Both of the above
    4. None of the above

  • Charles Dickens is the author of _______?
    1. Oliver Twist
    2. The Haunted man and the Ghost’s Bargain
    3. A Child’s History of England
    4. All of these

  • The Roman numeral for the number ";1000"; is ____?
    1. L
    2. C
    3. D
    4. M

  • The Roman numeral for the number ";500"; is ____?
    1. L
    2. C
    3. D
    4. M

  • The Roman numeral for the number ";100"; is ____?
    1. L
    2. C
    3. D
    4. M

  • The Roman numeral for the number ";50"; is ____?
    1. L
    2. C
    3. D
    4. M

  • ";Bharat Ratna"; is the __________ award of India?
    1. Military
    2. Civilian
    3. Academic
    4. Political

  • ";Param Vir Chakra"; is the highest ____________ award of India?
    1. Military
    2. Civilian
    3. Academic
    4. Political

  • ";Victoria Cross"; is the highest _________ award of UK?
    1. Military
    2. Civilian
    3. Academic
    4. Political