• Glasgow is the sea port of which country?
    1. England
    2. Germany
    3. France
    4. Iran

  • There are ___________ rings in the symbol (logo) of Olympic games that represents continents of the world.
    1. 5
    2. 6
    3. 7
    4. 8

  • What is the motto of Olympic Games?
    1. There';s no traffic on the extra mile
    2. Fast and Furious
    3. Together stronger
    4. Faster, higher, stronger

  • Which of the following is coldest capital city of the world?
    1. New Delhi
    2. Ulan Baatar
    3. Islamabad
    4. Riyadh

  • Kot Diji Fort is located in ____________?
    1. Khairpur
    2. Karachi
    3. Badin
    4. Shikarpur

  • Grasslands in Australia are called?
    1. Downs
    2. Pampas
    3. Steppes
    4. Prairies

  • Who discovered China?
    1. Christopher Columbs
    2. Vasco De Gama
    3. Ibn Batuta
    4. Morco Polo

  • ';Leviathan'; is a famous book of Thomas Hobbes written in _________.
    1. 1641
    2. 1651
    3. 1671
    4. None of these

  • Which International Organization has been honored Noble Prize 3 times?
    1. International Labour Orgnization
    2. Amnesty International
    3. United Nation';s Children Fund
    4. International Committee for Red Cross (ICRC)

  • Which of following political Party is oldest party in the UK?
    1. Labour Party
    2. Conservative Party
    3. Liberal Party
    4. Green Party

  • When Labour Party of UK was established?
    1. 1900
    2. 1901
    3. 1902
    4. 1903

  • Quebec was the former colony of __________?
    1. Italy
    2. Britain
    3. Spain
    4. France

  • The researchers of which country have developed renewable energy storage devices?
    1. Pakistan
    2. India
    3. UK
    4. None of these

  • The world';s oldest known natural pearl has recently discovered in ____________?
    1. Tristan Da Cunha
    2. New Guinea
    3. Abu Dhabi
    4. None of these

  • Which is oldest stock exchange in Asia?
    1. Tokyo
    2. Bejing
    3. Mumbai
    4. Karachi

  • The newest internationally recognized country in the world is ____________?
    1. Kosovo
    2. East Timor
    3. North Sudan
    4. South Sudan

  • Which airline compeleted test of longest non-stop passenger flight?
    1. Qatar Airways
    2. Cathay Pacific
    3. Qantas
    4. Emirates

  • The GOP was founded in ____________?
    1. 1854
    2. 1850
    3. 1855
    4. 1853

  • 1st women president of UNGA was?
    1. José Arce
    2. Luis Padilla Nervo
    3. Oswaldo Aranha
    4. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit

  • Who was 1st UNGA president?
    1. Paul-Henri Spaak
    2. Oswaldo Aranha
    3. José Arce
    4. Herbert Vere Evatt

  • What is the basic element of Education system?
    1. Student
    2. Assessment
    3. Instructor
    4. Curriculum

  • Which country has the briefest constitution the world?
    1. Pakistan
    2. Iran
    3. Turkey
    4. USA

  • Which country is going to give online tourist visa for the first time?
    1. Pakistan
    2. China
    3. USA
    4. Saudi Arabia

  • Nomadic people living in Central Asia were called?
    1. Huns
    2. Attalis
    3. Mongols
    4. Vass

  • In which year first one day international cricket match was played?
    1. 1960
    2. 1970
    3. 1971
    4. 1975