• Saigon is the old name of which city?
    1. Jakarta
    2. Hu Chi Minh
    3. Manila
    4. Bangkok

  • Which is the only one hockey world cup was palyed after three years?
    1. 1975
    2. 1976
    3. 1977
    4. 1978

  • From which year Hockey World Cup is being played after every four years?
    1. 1980
    2. 1982
    3. 1984
    4. 1986

  • Where first Hockey World Cup was played in 1971?
    1. Barcelona
    2. Madrid
    3. Lahore
    4. Sydny

  • How many rows and columns are in the modern Periodic Table?
    1. 18 columns and 7 rows
    2. 12 columns and 9 rows
    3. 7 columns and 18 rows
    4. 25 columns and 15 rows

  • Word ";Tusnami"; belong to which Language?
    1. Veitnam
    2. Indonesia
    3. China
    4. Japan

  • What are rows in Periodic table called?
    1. Period
    2. Group
    3. Verticals
    4. Perpendiculars

  • What are Columns in Periodic table called?
    1. Period
    2. Group
    3. Verticals
    4. Perpendiculars

  • Where is Largest man made Waterfall?
    1. Brazil
    2. China
    3. Canada
    4. USA

  • Which City of the Iran has the biggest Oil refinery of Iran?
    1. Abadan
    2. Asphan
    3. Tehran
    4. None of them

  • Why Aberdeen city of UK is an important city?
    1. industrial city
    2. seaport
    3. famous as granite city
    4. all of them

  • The first ever Test match in the history of Cricket was played between England and Australia in___________?

  • TAPI Gas Pipe Line will go through which sea?
    1. Caribbean sea
    2. Arabian sea
    3. Caspain sea
    4. None of these

  • Who was the first Federal Tax Ombudsman of Pakistan?
    1. Justice (R) Saleem Kazmi
    2. Justice (R) Allah Nawaz
    3. Justice (R) Ijaz Nisar

  • The epic Peom ";Shahnama"; was written by________?
    1. Al Beruni
    2. Firdausi
    3. Amir Khusrau
    4. Rumi

  • The capital of Belarus is...;...;..?
    1. Brazilia
    2. Minsk
    3. Manama
    4. Sarajevo

  • FTA stands for_____________?
    1. Free Transit Agreement
    2. Free Trade Agreement
    3. Free Transport Agreement
    4. Free Traveling Agreement

  • FDI stands for__________?
    1. Foreign Disposal Income
    2. Foreign Direct Investment
    3. Foreign Dealing Investment
    4. Foreign Direct Income

  • APAPPS Stands for ____________?
    1. Afghanistan-Pakistan Allied Plan for Peace and Solidarity
    2. Afghanistan-Pakistan Alliance Progress for peace and Solidarity
    3. Afghanistan-Pakistan Action Progress for Peace and Solidarity

  • G.T. Road stands for___________?
    1. Grand Tourist Road
    2. Grand Trunk Road
    3. Great Transport Road
    4. None of these

  • Spain became democratic in which year?
    1. 1970
    2. 1971
    3. 1974
    4. 1975

  • When King Edward Medical University (oldest university of Pakistan) was established?
    1. 1852
    2. 1856
    3. 1860
    4. 1884

  • Which Country built the World';s tallest Timber tower named Mjos Tower?
    1. Iran
    2. Japan
    3. France
    4. Norway

  • Which is the Oldest University of Pakistan?
    1. University of the Punjab, Lahore
    2. King Edward Medical University, Lahore
    3. University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
    4. Sindh Madressatul Islam University, Karachi

  • WhatsApp launched on_________?
    1. 24 feb 2009
    2. 24 feb 2008
    3. 24 feb 2007
    4. None