• Baseball is the national Game of___________?
    1. France
    2. Haiti
    3. Turkey
    4. Cuba

  • What is the third highest Mountain Peak in the world?
    1. Kanchenjunga
    2. Makalu
    3. Cho Oyu
    4. Lhotse

  • How many players in baseball game in each team?
    1. 7
    2. 9
    3. 11
    4. 13

  • How many players are in a water polo team?
    1. 4
    2. 5
    3. 6
    4. 7

  • Ramon Magsaysay Award is regarded as the_________version of the Nobel Prize?
    1. African
    2. Asian
    3. European
    4. Chinese

  • Which of the following has won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2018?
    1. George Smith
    2. Frances Arnold
    3. Greg Winter
    4. All of above
    5. None of them

  • Which of the following has won the Nobel Prize for Physics 2018?
    1. Gérard Mourou
    2. Arthur Ashkin
    3. Donna Strickland
    4. All of these
    5. None of them

  • Which of the following has won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine 2018?
    1. Tasuku Honjo
    2. Michael W. Young
    3. Both A and B
    4. None of them

  • The Only Country in the World, which Flag is not rectangular?
    1. Swaziland
    2. Andorra
    3. Nepal
    4. Kazakhstan

  • Which landlocked Country flag has Two Cows in it?
    1. Lichtenstein
    2. Kazakhstan
    3. Swaziland
    4. Andorra

  • Capital of Sudan is_________?
    1. Jamestown
    2. Juba
    3. Dodoma
    4. Khartoum

  • Vexillology is the study of__________?
    1. Flags
    2. Signals
    3. Vintage Cars
    4. Stamps

  • In which city Interpol was founded in September 7, 1923?
    1. Paris
    2. London
    3. Vienna
    4. Geneva

  • Water lily is symbol of which Country?
    1. Canada
    2. China
    3. Bangladesh
    4. Pakistan

  • When was Chernobyl catastrophic nuclear accident occurred in Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic?
    1. 26 April 1980
    2. 26 April 1986
    3. 26 April 1989
    4. 26 April 1994

  • How many countries are member of UNO?
    1. 191
    2. 192
    3. 193
    4. 194

  • Telephone was invented by__________?
    1. Vint Cerf
    2. Charles Babbage
    3. Edison
    4. Alexander Graham Bell

  • Who was the first President of Chinese Republic ?
    1. jUNKO Tabar
    2. Sun yat san
    3. MaoTse-Tung
    4. Kim ii Jong

  • World Intellectual Property Day is observed on___________?
    1. 20 May
    2. 20 Feb
    3. 26 Oct
    4. 26 April

  • What country has the highest divorce rate by UNO?
    1. Maldives
    2. Belarus
    3. United states
    4. India

  • Which one is the World';s most dangerous city?
    1. Los cabos, Mexico
    2. Mumbai, India
    3. Kabul, Afghanistan
    4. Berlin, Germany

  • Bali is an island of_________?
    1. Indonesia
    2. Malasia
    3. Austrailia
    4. None of  these

  • In which district of Pakistan Kalabagh Dam is located?
    2. SAHIWAL
    4. ATTOCK

  • Oldest democracy in the world is___________?
    1. Greece
    2. Pakistan
    3. India
    4. USA

  • Pakistan won the ICC World Cup (One Day) in 1992. It was___________in a row of ICC World Cup.
    1. 5th
    2. 6th
    3. 7th
    4. 8TH