• Buzkushi is a __________?
    1. River of Afghanistan
    2. National tree
    3. A traditional afghan drerss
    4. A traditional afghan game

  • The Book ";Higher Than Hope: The Biography Of Nelson Mandela"; is written by?
    1. Viny Mandela
    2. Hennery Slag
    3. Fatima Meer
    4. None

  • in how many European Countries Euro currency is used?
    1. 15
    2. 19
    3. 23
    4. None of these

  • When the name of Lyallpur was changed to Faisalabad?

  • Abd al-Rahman I was the conquer of __________?

  • Name of Central Excise Duty has been changed as a Federal Excise Duty on?

  • “Al-Farooq” and “AL-Ghazali” are written by?

  • Karez is the irrigation system of which province of Pakistan?
    1. punjab
    2. sindh
    3. KPK
    4. Balochistan

  • Capital of Turkey is__________?
    1. istanbul
    2. Ankara
    3. damshqus
    4. tehran

  • The 2018 Hungarian parliamentary elections were the _________ since the adoption of the new constitution by the Country.
    1. 1st
    2. 2nd
    3. 4th
    4. 6th

  • The 19th Asian games will be held in which city?
    1. Tokyo, Japan
    2. Osaka, Japan
    3. Kuala lumpur, Malaysia
    4. Hanghzou, China

  • The motto of 18th Asian games is __________?
    1. Energy of Asia
    2. Games for Peace
    3. Diversity Shines Here
    4. Thrilling Games, Harmonious Asia

  • Hangzhou will be the _________ Chinese City to host Asian games in 2022.
    1. 1st
    2. 2nd
    3. 3rd
    4. 4th

  • The 17th Asian games were held in which City?
    1. Jakarta and Palembang, Indonesia
    2. Incheon, South Korea
    3. New Delhi, India
    4. Beijing, China

  • The 17th Asian Games were held in _________?
    1. 2014
    2. 2015
    3. 2016
    4. 2018

  • Who is the Author of ";The Myth of independence";?
    1. I.H. Qureshi
    2. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
    3. Aysha Jalal
    4. Shahid Rafique

  • The headquarter of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations is in_________?
    1. Rome, Italy
    2. Paris, France
    3. New York, US
    4. None

  • The Coldstream Guards is the oldest continuously serving regiment in the Army, belongs to which Country?
    1. Japan
    2. Iceland
    3. USA
    4. UK

  • RAW is an Indian Secret Service which headquarters is in delhi and was founded in?
    1. 1960
    2. 1965
    3. 1968
    4. 1970

  • CIA is Intelligence agency of USA headquartered in Langley, Virginia was founded in?
    1. Sep 18, 1945
    2. Sep 18, 1946
    3. Sep 18, 1947
    4. Sep 18, 1948

  • How many sports were played in summer Olympic 2016?
    1. 22
    2. 28
    3. 34
    4. 40

  • How many Sports were in Winter Olympic 2018?
    1. 7 Sports
    2. 9 Sports
    3. 12 Sports
    4. 15 Sports

  • Famous British Physicist Stephen Hawking died at the age of _________?
    1. 66
    2. 76
    3. 86
    4. 96

  • Who is the Author of the Book ";Brief Answers to the Big Questions";?
    1. Stephen Hawking
    2. Albert Einstein
    3. Newton
    4. Chadwick

  • The day which is celebrated on 21 September every year is _________?
    1. Indigenious day
    2. Election day
    3. Central excise day
    4. World peace day