• The third Sunday in January is annually celebrated as____________?
    1. Thanksgiving
    2. National Youth Day
    3. World Religion Day
    4. International Day for Achievers

  • When National Voter’s Day is celebrated by ECP?
    1. 7 December
    2. 8 December
    3. 8 January
    4. 7 November

  • Katla Volcano located in which country?
    1. Iceland
    2. Ireland
    3. Finland
    4. Sawaziland

  • JAXA is a Space Agency of which Country?
    1. Jordan
    2. Japan
    3. Jamaica
    4. Germany

  • What is the typical interest rate on World Bank loans, which are revised every six months?
    1. 0.5%
    2. 1%
    3. 1.5%
    4. 2%

  • Which Country recently joined in IMF as 189th member?
    1. Nauru
    2. South Sodan
    3. Lativia
    4. Sumatra

  • When in New York, UNO head quarter complex is completed?
    1. 1950
    2. 1952
    3. 1955
    4. 1956

  • Which Country has the most fatalities in World War 2?
    1. Soviot Union
    2. UK
    3. USA
    4. Yogusalavia

  • FRB stands for____________?
    1. Federal Return Board
    2. Federal Revenue Board
    3. Federal Reserve Board
    4. Foreign Return Board

  • ";OGDC"; is abbreviation of_________________?
    1. Oil and Gas Development Council
    2. Oil and Gas Development Company
    3. Oil and Gas Development Corporation
    4. None of above

  • When did Pervez Musharraf resign from the post of President ?
    1. 18 August 2008
    2. 12 October 2008
    3. 10 September 2008
    4. 5 July 2005

  • The 17th summit of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) was held in June, 2017 in Astana. Where did its 18th summit held?
    1. Manila
    2. Singapore
    3. Indonesia
    4. China

  • World Longest mountain range is__________?
    1. Himalya
    2. Hindu kush
    3. Andes
    4. Kunlun

  • Which Country have the Highest Percentage Of Population Under 18 Years Old?
    1. Niger
    2. Uganda
    3. Chad
    4. Ungola

  • Which is the most corrupt Country in the World?
    1. Nigeria
    2. Sudan
    3. Uganda
    4. South Africa

  • When was the United Nations headquarters start to built?
    1. September 1948
    2. September 1949
    3. September 1950
    4. September 1951

  • SAARC Disaster Management Center was set up in Oct 2006 at_________?
    1. Kabul
    2. Khatmando
    3. New Delhi
    4. Islamabad

  • CT Scan stand for__________?
    1. Computed Tomography Scan
    2. Computer Topography Scan
    3. Computed Topography Scan
    4. Computer Tomography Scan

  • Which Country largest grower and Producer of Palm oil?
    1. Malaysia
    2. Thailand
    3. None of these

  • Where is river Ontario?
    1. Australia
    2. Canada
    3. North America
    4. Japan

  • Novel ";War and Peace"; was written by__________?
    1. Tito
    2. Leo Tolstoy
    3. Shelly
    4. Daunte

  • What is the Capital of Gambia?
    1. Conakry
    2. George Town
    3. Banjul
    4. Seoul

  • The Current Senior-most Parliamentarian in Pakistan is_____________?
    1. Sheikh raheed
    2. chaudhry Anwar ali cheema
    3. Makhdoom Amin faheem
    4. Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan

  • Who is the first Asian to win the Nobel Prize?
    1. C.V Raman
    2. Dr. Abdul Salam
    3. I.A Bunin
    4. Rabindranath Tagore

  • ";Sabor"; is the parliment of__________?
    1. Denmark
    2. Italy
    3. Croatia
    4. Finland