• The peak of what mountain is farthest from the center of the Earth?
    1. Mount Everest
    2. Mount Chimborazo
    3. Nanga Parbat
    4. K2

  • The ';Tartar'; tribe inhabitates in which part of the world?
    1. Siberia
    2. Kenya
    3. Indonesia
    4. Malyasia

  • Which of the following is known as the ';birds continent'; ?
    1. Africa
    2. South America
    3. Asia
    4. Australia

  • Krakatau volcano situated in which country?
    1. Malaysia
    2. Indonesia
    3. Japan
    4. South Korea

  • Who discovered ";The Cape of Good Hope";?
    1. Vasco Da Gama
    2. Marco Polo
    3. Robert Cook
    4. Bartolomeu Dias

  • Who was the British PM at the time of Revolt of 1857?
    1. Churchill
    2. Pamstern
    3. Attle
    4. Gladstone

  • The World';s largest Glacier is: __________?
    1. Lambert
    2. Siachen
    3. Hispad
    4. None of these

  • Furakha Dam on river Ganga is disputed between?
    1. India and China
    2. India and Pakistan
    3. India and Nepal
    4. India and Bangladesh

  • Dong is the currency of ___________?
    1. Malaysia
    2. Myanmar
    3. Philippine
    4. Vietnam

  • Eritrea, Which became 182nd of UN in 1993, is in the continent of _________?
    1. Africa
    2. Australia
    3. Europe
    4. None of these

  • ";Hangor day"; is celebrated on ___________?
    1. 9 December
    2. 9 February
    3. 9 April
    4. 9 July

  • ";Ambassador bridge"; links which two countries?
    1. Canada and USA
    2. Germany and Poland
    3. Belarus and Russia
    4. None of these

  • Annapurna is the tenth highest mountain in the world, Its height is_________?
    1. 7,091 meters
    2. 8,000 meters
    3. 8,091 meters
    4. 9,000 meters

  • Annapurna Mountain range in which country?
    1. Nepal
    2. India
    3. Bangladesh
    4. China

  • Hiroshma is on which island?
    1. Kyushu Island
    2. Honshu Island
    3. between both
    4. none of these

  • Kampala is the capital of _________?
    1. Uganda
    2. Ghana
    3. Kenya
    4. Senegal

  • What is the profession of current Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz?
    1. Physicist
    2. Builder
    3. Business man
    4. Lawyer

  • Sutherland Waterfall is located in which country ?
    1. England
    2. New Zealand
    3. Canada
    4. Malaysia

  • The Gurkhas are the original inhabitants of _________?
    1. Africa
    2. Indonesia
    3. Nepal
    4. Bangladesh

  • Hibernia was the Roman name for which country ?
    1. Ireland
    2. Armenia
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Argentina

  • Iguazu waterfall is located between which two countries?
    1. Brazil and Bolivia
    2. Brazil and Argentina
    3. Brazil and Chile
    4. Bolivia and Colombia

  • Famous painting ";The Scream"; painted by ____________?
    1. Johannes Vermeer
    2. Rene Magritte
    3. Vincent Van Gogh
    4. Edvard Munch

  • Which Island is known as Sandwich Island ?
    1. Hawaiian Island
    2. Victoria Island
    3. Ellesmere Island
    4. None of these

  • ";Long Walk to Freedom"; is an autobiography of___________?
    1. Martin Luther King
    2. Nelson Mandela
    3. Desond Titu
    4. Michael Troot

  • Trans Siberian Railway is a railway network of which country?
    1. Serbia
    2. Somalia
    3. Syria
    4. Russia