• The Kivu conflict began in 2004 between __________?
    1. Congo and Sudan
    2. South Sudan and Hetu Power
    3. Rawanda and Sudan
    4. military of Congo and Hetu Power group

  • The Executive Board of WHO is made up of how many specialist?
    1. 32
    2. 34
    3. 36
    4. 37

  • Tugela Falls is second highest water fall in the world located in__________?
    1. South Africa
    2. Australia
    3. Asia
    4. None of them

  • World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has its HQ in: ________?
    1. Washington DC
    2. Brussels
    3. Geneva
    4. Paris

  • World longest metro line has been started in which country?
    1. USA
    2. Switzerland
    3. Japan
    4. China

  • The Oslo Accord between Israel and Palestine was signed on which date?
    1. 13 Sept 1992
    2. 23 Nov 1993
    3. 13 Sept 1993
    4. None of these

  • Oscar Awards are related to which field?
    1. Films
    2. Literature
    3. Science
    4. Cricket

  • First transparent car of the world launched in which country?
    1. France
    2. Germany
    3. USA
    4. UK

  • George Washington was made the Commander in Chief of the American forces in ________?
    1. In December 1773, after the Boston Tea Party
    2. At the First Continental Congress in September 1774
    3. At the Second Continental Congress in 1775
    4. None of these

  • Which of the following Presidents of America abolished Slavery?
    1. Abraham Lincoln
    2. Thomas jefferson
    3. George washington
    4. Stanley jackson

  • Which is the longest street in the world?
    1. Yonge Street, Canada
    2. Shante Liza, Paris
    3. Broad way, USA
    4. Baldwin Street, New Zealand

  • The holy book of Tripitaka is for ___________?
    1. Hinduism
    2. Sikhism
    3. Buddhism
    4. Jewish

  • The smallest country in South America is_________?
    1. Uruguay
    2. Guyana
    3. Surinam
    4. Ecuador

  • Which country';s parliament is called ";Mother of all Parliaments ?
    1. Britain
    2. Russia
    3. China
    4. USA

  • Real name of Alauddin Khilji was __________?
    1. Ali Gurshasp
    2. Alp Khan
    3. Juna Khan
    4. None of these

  • Blue Origin was founded by ____________?
    1. Elon Musk
    2. Bill Gates
    3. Warren Buffet
    4. Jeff Bezos

  • The book "; Death in the castle"; is written by ____________?
    1. Jonathan Swift
    2. Bertrand Russell
    3. Pearl.S. Buck
    4. None of these

  • Which one of the following is the Saltiest Sea in the world ?
    1. Black Sea
    2. Mediterranean Sea
    3. Red Sea
    4. Dead Sea

  • Caspian Sea, Red Sea and Aral Sea are actually________?
    1. Lakes
    2. Canals
    3. Rivers
    4. Seas

  • The treaty of versailles ended what war ?
    1. World War I
    2. World War II
    3. French Revolution
    4. None of these

  • The name of Afghanistan';s Parliament is ___________?
    1. Wolesi Jirga
    2. National Assembly (Jirga)
    3. National Congress
    4. None of these

  • Which country';s parliament has the largest membership ?
    1. India
    2. China
    3. Russia
    4. USA

  • Which of the following country is known as mistress of the seas ?
    1. USA
    2. UK
    3. Indonesia
    4. Russia

  • Recently new Continent has discovered?
    1. Coloforia
    2. Maxicolia
    3. Nazandlia
    4. Zealandia

  • Who is the author of book: ";100 most influential people in the world"; ?
    1. William Blake
    2. Michael H. Hart
    3. Charles Dickens
    4. None of these