• Gruga park is in __________?
    1. Russia
    2. America
    3. Germany
    4. Sri Lanka

  • The Second Operation in Swat against Taliban in 2009 was called?
    1. Operation RAH E HAQ
    2. Operation RAHE RASAT
    3. Operation ZARBE AZAB
    4. None of these

  • The First Operation in Swat against Taliban in 2007 was called?
    1. Operation RAH E HAQ
    2. Operation RAHE RASAT
    3. Operation ZARBE AZAB
    4. None of these

  • The Crimean Peninsual was annexed by the Russian Federation in __________?
    1. 2011
    2. 2013
    3. 2014
    4. 2012

  • Which of the following is official residence of President of Canada?
    1. Hôtel Matignon
    2. 24 Sussex Drive
    3. Inkognitogata 18
    4. None of these

  • River Clyde is in which city of UK?
    1. Glasgow
    2. Birmingham
    3. Amsterdam
    4. The Hague

  • Volgograd is a city in __________?
    1. Russia
    2. Kazakhstan
    3. Turkey
    4. Spain

  • The strait of Gibraltar separates the Iberian peninsula from which African country?
    1. Morocco
    2. Tanzania
    3. Egypt
    4. Congo

  • In which European country would you find the Rijksmuseum ?
    1. Netherlands
    2. England
    3. Italy
    4. France

  • What is the name of the sovereign landlocked microstate bordered by France to the north and Spain to the south?
    1. Malta
    2. Cyprus
    3. Andorra
    4. None of these

  • Platinum jubilee is attributed to which figure?
    1. 70 years
    2. 60 years
    3. 25 years
    4. 50 years

  • East London is the city of which country?
    1. South Africa
    2. BRAZIL
    3. BURMA

  • What is the length of the longest ever megaflash seen in Southern USA?

  • Name of the US first lady is __________?
    1. Jill Biden
    2. Christiana Biden
    3. Serena Biden
    4. None of these

  • Asteroid named after a Tennis Star?
    1. Roger Federer
    2. Novic Djokovic
    3. Rafael Nadal
    4. Daniil Medvedev

  • Hen and Chicken islands is located in which country?
    1. Australia
    2. South Africa
    3. New Zealand
    4. None of the above

  • Island of Ellesmere is located in which country?
    1. USA
    2. Canada
    3. Russia
    4. France

  • Which Mountain range is often called as the ‘Third Pole’?
    1. Hindu Kush Himalayan range
    2. Karakoram range
    3. Hengduan Mountains range
    4. Alaska Range

  • Stadium that is constructed in Gawadar named ___________?
    1. Senator Muhammad Ishaq Baloch Cricket Stadium
    2. Senator Zafarullah Jamali Cricket Stadium
    3. Feudalist Meer Arkam Ali Bugti Stadium
    4. Meer Sher Haroon Baloch Cricket Stadium

  • When is the ‘World Day of Social Justice’ observed?
    1. February 5th
    2. February 15th
    3. February 20th
    4. February 25th

  • ASI is a space agency of which country?
    1. France
    2. India
    3. Italy
    4. Russia

  • The Stonehenge is located in _________?
    1. France
    2. Spain
    3. England
    4. Italy

  • Kuril island disputed between: ___________?
    1. Sri lanka and India
    2. Nepal and India
    3. Japan and Russia
    4. USA and Canada

  • Which is the headquarters of the European Parliament?
    1. Strasbourg, France
    2. Geneva, Switzerland
    3. Rome, Italy
    4. Nairobi, Kenya

  • Which country is called ";The land of honest men";?
    1. Mali
    2. Burundi
    3. Niger
    4. Burkina Faso