• The Barents sea is the part of which ocean?
    1. Atlantic Ocean
    2. Arctic Ocean
    3. Pacific Ocean
    4. None of these

  • OUAGADOUGOU is the capital of: __________?
    1. Burkina Faso
    2. Namibia
    3. PNG
    4. Barmoda

  • Manaslu Mountain Peak is situated in the range?
    1. Andes
    2. Himalaya
    3. Karakoram
    4. None of these

  • In which year, GMT Greenwich time was established?
    1. 1887
    2. 1884
    3. 1890
    4. 1900

  • Genoa is famous Seaport of_________?
    1. Sri Lanka
    2. Zimbabwe
    3. Italy
    4. Australia

  • Who was the last soldier of United States of America to leave Afghanistan?
    1. Maj. GenHaaland James N. Matti
    2. Maj. Gen. Chris Donahue
    3. Maj. Gen Mark milley
    4. Maj. Gen Loyd Austin

  • In which year, the Olympic Torch was lit by an arrow?
    1. 1990
    2. 1991
    3. 1992
    4. None of these

  • The Education for Justice (E4J) initiative was launched by __________?
    1. International Court of Justice
    2. International Criminal Court
    3. United Nations Office On Terrorism And Financial Crime
    4. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes

  • The only a country which uses Euro Currency out of 48 countries in Asia?
    1. East Timor
    2. Armenia
    3. Georgia
    4. Cyprus

  • Lord Louis Mountbatten was killed in which year?
    1. 1978
    2. 1979
    3. 1980
    4. None

  • Indonesia has announced that its new capital will be called_________?
    1. Jakarta
    2. Nusantara
    3. Bandung
    4. Makassar

  • The world fastest sinking city?
    1. Brisbane
    2. Jakarta
    3. Cairo
    4. Kabul

  • Dalal Street is located in India famous for __________?
    1. Bombay stock Exchange
    2. Delhi Food Street
    3. Agra Taj mahal
    4. Sports festival

  • Who is the writer of Tuzk-E-Babri?
    1. Zaheeruddin Babar
    2. Gulbadan Begum
    3. Kamran Mirza
    4. Nasir-ud-Din MuḼammad

  • What was code-named of first Indian Nuclear test at Pokhran in 1974?
    1. Shining Shiv
    2. Smiling Budha
    3. Bang of Brahama
    4. Pokhran Visphot

  • Mistake island is in which country?
    1. Canada
    2. USA
    3. Indonesia
    4. New Zealand

  • TONGA is an Island in which ocean?
    1. Atlantic
    2. Indian
    3. Pacific
    4. None of these

  • Himawari-8 is a satellite of __________?
    1. Japan
    2. Australia
    3. China
    4. South Korea

  • The Hwang Ho River falls into _________?
    1. Indian Ocean
    2. Yellow Sea
    3. Red Sea
    4. Bay of China

  • What is the main objective of FATF?
    1. Combat terrorism
    2. Stop terror financing
    3. Place counties in the black lists.
    4. None of these

  • First female prime minister in Tunisia and the Arab world is________?
    1. Natalia Gavrilița
    2. Najla Bouden
    3. Sandra Mason
    4. Magdalena Andersson

  • Noktundo is disputed territory of ____________?
    1. Pakistan and china
    2. New Zealand and Australia
    3. Russia and North Korea
    4. None of these

  • Who wrote the book ";The Prophet"; ?
    1. Khalil Gibran
    2. William Shakespeare
    3. Anne Hathaway
    4. None of these

  • ';The broken wings'; written by ___________?
    1. Faiz Ahmed Faiz
    2. Khalil Gibran
    3. Allama Iqbal
    4. None of these

  • Which of following organization gives away the Crystal Award to artists who have used art to improve the state of the world?
    1. UNESCO
    2. Worldwide Fund for Nature
    3. Food and Agricultural Organisations
    4. World Economic Forum